The crying child

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Michael woke up, his heart beating hastily and his breathing heavy.A normal eye might say that he just had a 'nightmare' , but if you're like me then you will reliase that something more is going on and that his 'nightmares' are depicting something very real.Now picture this , a young teen Mike who decided to prank and scare his brother (the crying child but I'll just call him Evan).Evan was really scared of the animatronics but was nearly always with them due to his dad owning the place.So, Mike with his friends crowing round picked up Evan and jokingly put his head in the Freddie animatronic's jaw... SNAP.

Freddie had shut his jaw on Evan's head almost instantly killing him.Michael was left in distraught and in disbelief, he didn't even get to laugh once last time at his brother before it occurred.A part of him knew this was his fault, a part of him he hid deep inside him.If losing his brother wasn't bad enough he got profusely lectured and even beat by his father which obviously did not help at all.He lay in his bed staring at the scars his father had given him thinking he had deserved it and that nothing he did could fix it.But he would still try and avenge them.Now I know everything doesn't make sense but I promise all will be revealed soon!

Rain beat heavily and rhythmically against the window, seeming to copy the descensant of Michael's tears.He propped himself up against his bed frame and wiped his tears.Then, he finally got himself up and slouched to his bathroom.Staring at himself in the mirror made him even upset , I mean who could even look at a total fuck up like him? As he looked at himself in the mirror, tears running down his cheeks he couldn't help but find light in the dark.He chuckled to himself thinking its ironic that he used call Evan "The crying child" and now look at him.Smiling once again he mustered all his energy to convince himself to get ready for work since he can not get another late or he'll be out a job... AGAIN.

Quickly, he changes out of his dirty discolored unicorn pajamas.Now in his plum purple coloured uniform, he scuffles his hair as he goes down the stairs to make it atleast halfway presentable.Mike poured himself some cereal only to be disappointed with the pittance left, he just had to make do with what he had until his shift had finished and he could buy more groceries.By some miracle Mike had gotten this job as a technician with no qualifications, they must have been pretty desperate.

Grabbing his Walkman Michael opened the door , to the harsh sunlight piercing his skin.He hasn't been outside in awhile if you couldn't tell , while the world around him changed he stayed in his own little bubble, forever trapped in that traumatic moment.Unable to escape his wrong doings.But now he has been forced to go outside unfortunately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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