Chapter 7: Night Assault

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Henzan Empire, Hezekiah, Agusta 9, 825, 8 PM

Amidst the breezing night, the once-majestic capital city of Hezekiah lay in ruins. The echoes of a recent aerial assault lingered in the air, casting a grim and tense atmosphere over the devastated landscape. The city, now reduced to rubble and remnants, stood as a haunting testament to the sudden and destructive attack.

In the aftermath, survivors tended to the wounded, their actions driven by a shared determination to cope with the tragedy that had befallen them. The night breeze carried with it the hushed whispers of those attending to the injured, a somber symphony amid the ruins. Each tender touch and whispered word conveyed a collective resilience against the adversity that had shaken their home.

Meanwhile, beastmen soldiers, vigilant guardians of the shattered city, stood at the perimeter. Their eyes scanned the shadows, ever watchful for potential threats that might emerge from the desolation. In the face of uncertainty, the soldiers maintained a stoic presence, embodying a sense of duty to protect what remained of Hezekiah.

But an incoming sense of death loomed on the horizon...


The 192nd Serbian Battalion emerged from the shadows, Heraclius Heavy Tanks and Armored Vehicles slowly rolling out from the cover of trees. Soldiers, weapons at the ready, prepared for a confrontation with the medieval world that lay before them. The term "wipe out" carried a chilling resonance, echoing the battalion's notorious history of massacres in Albanian and Bosnian cities during the 2nd World War.

Under the silent night, the Heraclius Heavy Tanks took aim at the remaining fortifications of Hezekiah. The air was pierced by the ear-splitting sound of their cannons.


The explosive roar resonated through the ruins as the fortified structures crumbled under the relentless assault. With the fortifications softened, the entire battalion, comprising tanks, armored vehicles, and soldiers armed with laser rifles, charged forward with a relentless determination.

The night, once cloaked in unsettling stillness, now metamorphosed into a harrowing symphony of war. The 192nd Serbian Battalion, having taken positions behind the remaining walls of Hezekiah, unleashed a merciless onslaught. Their laser rifles spat death indiscriminately, cutting through both soldiers and civilians with a ruthless efficiency that disregarded the presence of children and the elderly.

As the tanks roared to life, their cannons targeted a huddled group of beastmen with chilling precision. The resulting explosions painted the night crimson, creating grotesque mists of blood and sending mangled bodies soaring through the air. Armored Vehicles, equipped with merciless heavy laser machine guns, unleashed torrents of bullets upon every beastman unfortunate enough to cross their path.

Hezekiah now bore witness to a brutal and gory spectacle. The narrow streets echoed with the agonized screams of the innocent, the sickening thud of bodies hitting the ground, and the mechanical roar of war machines. The 192nd Serbian Battalion, driven by a dark history and ruthless determination, carved a path of devastation through the city, leaving behind a landscape stained with the brutality of their onslaught.

The Serbian soldiers, embarking on a mission to liberate human slaves, meticulously raided every house, with a particular focus on the nearby noble residences as they pushed deeper into the city. The brutal urban warfare took its toll, claiming the lives of five valiant soldiers from the battalion. In the face of this sacrifice, the surviving soldiers vowed to honor their fallen comrades by relentlessly slaughtering every beastmen or perceived heretic they encountered.


A Serbian Soldier's POV:

In the midst of the chaotic urban warfare, I, a Serbian soldier, witnessed the beastmen soldiers charging at us with archaic swords and shields – a display of their primitive tactics, as expected from these barbarians who have never encountered or heard of advanced technologies.

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