Chapter 1: "How to get a date while crashing your friend's date."

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Yellow Face's POV

I wake up to silence, quite a change from the alarm that usually accompanies my morning. I immediately check my phone and see the date, time, and first notification.

Monday - December 11th
8:00 AM

Alarm Missed: 7:00 AM

Shit. I am definitely late for work.

I quickly get off my bed and get in the shower. After the shower, I get in my usual suit, pants, and shoes, with a signature tie added on top of that.

Today is my first day as CEO of the Generic Brand Incorporated, so I probably shouldn't be late, but do CEOs even need to be on time?

Since I wasn't gonna worry about being on time, I decided to go to the local cafe to get a morning coffee like I usually do.

I walk to the cafe since I don't like driving and don't have a driver's license, But while on that walk, I see Fries, my only friend, and one that I haven't seen in a while, across the street. I safely cross the street, and greet him.

"Hey Fries, how are you?" I say once I get to the sidewalk.

"Yellow Face? Shouldn't you be at work right now?" Fries asked.

I reply with, "Technically yes, but since I got promoted to CEO, I feel like I should be able to be late once and a while."

"That's fair, and to answer your question, I've been great. I just started dating again." Fries stated.

"Oh! Who's the lucky gal?" I said, slightly surprised that Fries got a date.

"Her name is Puffball and she is the nicest and cutest girl I've ever met." Fries says, dreamily, "Actually I was on my way to a date with her at that cafe you go to everyday."

"Then we can walk together, because that is my destination as well. Also I will be able to meet Puffball too."

"Yellow Face wanting to meet people, who are you and what did you do to the real Yellow Face." Fries jokes, chuckling.

"Just because I hate being near people for long periods of time, doesn't mean I never want to socialize." I say, slightly annoyed.

"Calm down, dude, it was just a joke." Fries replies.

"Sorry, I've just been pretty stressed about getting that promotion, and I haven't been able to get that stress out."

"It's okay, dude. How about you use a vacation day and hangout with me and Puffball."

"I really could use a vacation." I say while deciding whether or not to go along with it. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Let's go! It's about time you had fun."

"Shut it before I change my mind." I say, with a bit of humor in my voice.

"Yeah, you'll totally change your mind. Would you rather go to work?"


"That's what I thought." Fries says, as he starts walking towards the cafe.

When we arrive at the cafe, Fries starts walking towards a woman with pink hair.

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