Ground 0

56 12 2

[The trial has finished.]

Feet with calluses and wounds, they stepped out of the trials inside the towers as they caught their breaths in the air around them and ignored their needs and existence. As the new ones lined up to enter the same domain where they came out, their eyes of fiery determination vanished and turned into ashes. The rookies await the domain to open; their determination to succeed can be seen through the black holes in their eyes; that light cannot be seen; others have eyes that sparkle through lies and pure determination to save or exist. To others, it can be seen through the energy flowing throughout their body; whether it can be seen with the naked eye or not, it isn't a mystery.

The last survivor ran out, sweating and bleeding from the cuts on his head. His blood slowly dripped down to the rough floor as he passed out in the middle of the entrance.

The door roared, signaling for it to slam close; another survivor gritted his teeth as his feet started moving on their own to pull him to avoid letting another person get crushed by the door.

He stared into my eyes.

"Are you not going to go?" he screamed as he tried to hold his hand out. The light in his eyes looked like it was being swallowed by the horror he saw. My head ran empty as the human stared at my body that was broken with blood, and I gave an exhausted huff of breath and smiled as I watched them run as the door closed.

That man. He probably doesn't know who I am. I stood up and cleaned the blood off my head.

No one knows where these towers and domains come from, but I do. Sort of. I'm just a cleaner for these domains.

[The trial will start again for 24 hours]

"Everybody get back to work!"

I Was Assigned to be a Cleaner of the Towers/Domains (Fate Cleaners)Where stories live. Discover now