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"This is cruel and unusual punishment," Santana grumbled as she scrubbed out the inside of a test tube in Professor Snape's classroom.

"That only applies in America, Miss Sanchez." Snape passed the table where the Ravenclaw was sitting and hit her gently on the top of her head with a textbook. "Less talking and more cleaning."

"Wait till my mother hears about this." Luca scoffed. She blew a curl out of her face before continuing to use the green toothbrush in her hand to clean a filtering flask.

"Your mother has already been alerted, and I made it clear that you are to receive whatever punishment I see fit." Snape used the textbook to hit Luca's head. "And unless you want to add on to your nights of detention, I recommend you shut your mouth and clean."

Santana rolled her eyes. She shook her head and lifted her legs to sit criss-crossed in her seat. "This is so not fair," she muttered.

"Life isn't fair," Snape quipped as he sat down at his desk. He raised a brow at the teenager. "Perhaps next time you'll know better than to wander about after curfew."

"I was only out because–"

Snape held out his hand in a silent demand for Santana to stop talking. The Latina shrank in her seat and lowered her head, her long raven locks covering her face.

She glanced over at Luca out of the corner of her eye. The Slytherin was standing at a wash station rinsing out flasks and beakers from that day's potions class. She raised a brow when she noticed that her wand was out – Professor Snape had specifically told them not to use magic.

But then again, this was Lucatrix Lestrange. When did she ever follow the rules?

Luca's wand was made from walnut wood and had an unyielding property, just like her mum's. It had a phoenix feather core and was 10½ inches in length. It was powerful. Not as powerful as her mother's, but still powerful enough to almost beat her in a duel.


She lost every time and had the battle scars to prove it.

Luca let out a startled gasp when Snape appeared beside her and snatched her wand from her hand. She took a small step back, straightening her posture.

"No...magic." Snape turned and walked back to his desk. He set the wand on top. "You'll get this back when detention is over. Any more rule breaking and you'll get another three nights."

Santana smirked to herself at Luca's irritated look. The curly-haired girl glared at her when she caught her staring.

─── ⋆⋅☾⋅⋆ ──

Luca's head rested in her hand as she poked around at her plate of scrambled eggs the next morning at breakfast. Her knee bounced, and she found herself constantly looking over at the Ravenclaw table at the back of Santana's head.

There had to be something wrong with her. What other reason could there be for why she suddenly felt herself drawn to her sworn enemy? There was a moment between them when they left Snape's classroom for the night. Luca had tripped over her untied bootlace and accidentally bumped into Santana. She had grabbed onto her shoulders as a reflex, and an unfamiliar flutter filled her stomach.

Luca gritted her teeth in irritation and stabbed a strawberry slice. She loathed Santana. She loathed her more than words could explain. She was the reason she got in trouble sneaking back into the school.


She was the reason Bellatrix was writing to her while she was away at Hogwarts.

"Uh-oh." Draco was the first to say something when he spotted his aunt's owl fly in through the window with a letter in his mouth. He turned to Luca, who swallowed anxiously. "You're so screwed."

"It's not possible to Avada Kedavra someone through a letter, right?" Luca asked, flinching when the letter was dropped in front of her.

"Good luck to you, cousin." Draco patted her on the back.

Luca picked up the letter and left the Great Hall without saying a word to anyone. She could feel several sets of eyes on her, but she didn't turn around. Once out in the hallway, she took a deep breath and opened the letter.


"Well, this is already off to a great start," Luca muttered sarcastically.

I can't even begin to put down in words how disappointed I am that you got put into detention for something as pathetic as sneaking out after curfew. I expected more from you.

When I first received word that you had gotten in trouble at school, I thought it was because you took what I told you to retrieve for me. But surely that wouldn't be it, right? I taught you everything you know, and you know how to complete tasks like these without getting caught.

Without getting caught.

How can I expect you to get that wand when you can't even sneak back into school without getting detention? What were you doing out with that filthy half-blood? Is this really how I raised you to behave? You stick to your own kind, Lucatrix Morgana.

This better not happen again. The next time I get a letter from your school, it better be from you telling me of your success completing your mission. Don't let me down again.

Luca sighed and leaned back against the wall. She looked down when she felt Enigma rubbing against her leg, and she slid down to sit on the floor. "I guess it wasn't as bad as it could've been," she mumbled as she pulled the black cat into her lap. "But one thing's for sure, Enigma. No more stalling. We figure out a plan and get this over with...Hopefully a plan that doesn't involve anyone actually dying."

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i'm trying to get some interactions going, so what's your hogwarts house? im a hufflepuff!

things should hopefully start to pick up in the next few chapters. i have some things planned that im really excited to write


𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 | golden trio eraWhere stories live. Discover now