Bag of bones

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(my pov of the poem i got sent a while back)

you lie to your heart, and i to mine

i started to write, so unsure, but desperate to tell

somebody-anybody about how you make me feel

trying to convince myself you would return

and i would hurt, trying to suppress the thought of you

i would ask myself

what have i done now, how could i have been so foolish

and i would chant and lie that everything would be perfectly fine

and then every night i would write, trying to resurrect you even just for a moment

i remember when the playful flirting turned to feeling

trying to convince myself it wasn't real

it became so real

i remember after we fell apart

the crying, the thinking, the eerie quiet

i remember silent songs and trying to forget

how hesitation dotted my heart as we tried to fix each other

then the thoughts started

trying to convince myself you never mattered

i tried to fill the gaping hole you left with anything- anyone

trying to ignore the hurt and the longing

trying to resist the way it ate at me, chewing the hole deeper

not healing, but adding more salt to the cracks you left; shattering me

then it hit me,

the denial i held on to like life support

made everything worse, ate away at me until i couldn't breathe

i tried to treat you like a doll

breaking and bending like an object

i hurt and i act like it can just be forgotten

i want to love and don't know how- and i hurt

why am i so bad at loving and so good at hurting

and now here we are

broken and hurting again

tired and cracked, like shattered porcelain

every night i remember how horrid i was

cunning and devious, to stay immovable through my care

i tried my best to fix us once we'd been swept up and thrown away

tried giving things i didn't own, and making them anew

and now you play me again and again

your songs on replay keep me up, drive me mental

because i'm sorry. i miss you. i love you.

i'm sorry i'm inconsiderate and stupid

i miss everything, the way you make me feel

the sting you left

and i love you

i have since the beginning, before i even learned to love

i want to love you properly

i'm so sorry that i am so bad and unused to loving

that i love you so much but push you away when you get close

you got so much further than close

lover, ex lover, best friend, worst enemy

whatever i do, whatever i've done- i love you

even if i never say it- never get to

i'm so sorry i've hurt you, loved you, needed you, used you

i'm so glad you still gave me a chance

i'm so sad i lost you, so glad you made it out

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