Greatness of the Gaunts

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Ominus & Anne disappeared into the moonlight, leaving her little cottage in the hills for the immense & illustrious Gaunt mansion. Ominus & Anne used disillusionment to conceal themselves as they apparated by way of Ominus' memory. "Keep your wits about you, because if caught, my family will not hesitate to kill you on sight for what your brother did. They don't care if you're innocent, in their eyes, you're just as guilty as Sebastian is because of what happened to you. You're the reason he still lives too, because from what I've heard when I sneak back in here...he's giving my family holy hell & the other prisoners a reason to leave him alone." As they made their way to the gate, Ominus' wand sparked with magic. "Into the bushes!" The gate flung open & a wagon rolled out of the yard, with countless voices chattering from within it. "That Sallow is getting out of hand! He's burned countless guards with Confringo anytime they talk about his mudblood sister!" "He's blasted me across the room for telling him his friend & sister hate him & would rather see him dead like the filthy mudblood he is!" "Silence Lucia & Ardor! If all goes well tonight, he's as good as dead before the end of the school year. Oh my little Lucia...wouldn't you love that? Not even Headmaster Black will be able to stop you if their old favorite of Crossed Wands is dead."

Ominus felt his stomach turn at hearing his father & siblings talk about Sebastian that way, but almost let loose a laugh knowing he was giving them as good as he got...or at least...allowed with what power he retained. As the carriage disappeared out of sight, Anne & Ominus snuck through the gate before it shut behind them. Anne was seething with hatred now. "How dare they talk rubbish about my brother & I like that! That's so degrading!" Ominus turned back to her & smirked. "Well your brother is certainly giving them a kick in the arse for it now isn't he? We're going to have to give him credit for giving my family the nightmares they gave me because they tortured me. I wish we could see what he's been doing to them, because that's a sweet revenge I can take pride in." Anne grinned back at Ominus, nearly laughing. "I won't forgive him for what he did to our uncle, but for what your family just said about me & my brother? I won't hold any punishment he gives them against him." Ominus' heart was beating so fast, he thought he might pass out! She was all spitfire & storm for him too? His best friend's sister made him want to act up & be the bad guy with those words, but she was Sebastian's twin after all, so who was he to argue that she was just as strong as her brother in attitude? "Lucia, my little sister, is in her final year & my older brother, Ardor was a year ahead of me. Just two of my eight or so siblings." "Eight?" "Yeah & I probably have more by now that I don't know of because my family doesn't know when to stop having kids. I hate it, I hate the sibling marriages, I hate the fact that I'm blind because of all the generations of interbreeding. What I don't hate is that they're finally getting what they deserve, but it may not be enough." Anne's voice sounded worried as they went through the front door. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?" He didn't say a word more as they went inside. "Oh wow Ominus! It's beautiful!" The entranceway led to an enormous grand staircase & had a huge chandelier in the middle of the room. Deep green & silver lined rugs were laid out with the utmost elegance. "Don't let the pretty things in here fool you, I was tortured with one of the curses as a child & I haven't wanted anything to do with anyone in here with dark magic since then." Anne thought it beautiful upon first sight, but seeing it again after so many years sent chills down Ominus' spine.

Ominus' wand began to burn in his cloak as they went for the grand staircase & down to the basement. "Ouch...not good." Anne was right behind him, but the heat was instantaneous. "A little warm back here brother. Are you okay?" The wand was getting hotter as they got closer to the door. "This is nothing compared to the blasting curse, but it's uncomfortable nonetheless." He knew that pain all too well. Any time dark magic was near him, his wand burned, it hated it just as much as he did & was warning him that something dark was behind the huge door. Despite the burning pain, he aimed it at the gate. "Alohomora." The gate twisted down to the last lock in the middle, which glowed green with a snake insignia...refusing to unlatch. "Go figure, there's always something extra to do." Ominus shook his head as he heard the latch start to hum with power. Anne was concerned now, but not giving in. "Come on Ominus. We're so close & you've got me here backing you up. You're not alone this time, remember that." She reached for his hand that held the wand in it & lifted both. "Whatever it takes here, I swear that I'll help you in return. No more fear of what will happen to you, no more being bullied for being blind, no more suffering from their torment & no more regrets. If you save me from the curse & the illness I've gained from it, then you'll be the most powerful wizard in your family & nobody can stop you."

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