Savagery of Sebastian

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Thunder echoed in the distance, lightning lit up the darkened skies, waves crashed upon the craggy cliffs as the storm blew in. Azkaban, the most secluded & locked down prison in the wizarding world was prone to a constant barrage of weather like this, but what it wasn't used to was a prisoner with such a fiery temperament that it needed to be constantly reinforced. The jailors feared him, the prisoners were both frightened, but also in awe of the one who chose to fight. "Let em have it Sallow!" "Give em hell boy!!!" "Make them suffer like we do!! KICK THEIR ASS!" He was the youngest prisoner in the place, but the most ferocious by far. Despite having his wand taken, he still somehow managed to cast spells without it & it took everything the guards had to subdue him. "Damn it boy! Can't you see your fight is fruitless? You'll never get out of here! " WATCH ME ASSHOLES!! CONFRINGO!" With one twist of his arm, flames shot out of his fingertips, hitting the three jailors that had it out for him. The blasting curse was his favorite, always had been, but when the jailors lit up in flames, a dark smile crept across the young man's face that had fired it. "You're lucky I can't use the killing curse here...because all three of you damned fools would be dead at my feet for trashing my sister! Nobody disrespects MY sister! NOBODY!" The jailors took pride in bad-mouthing Anne, but also giving him shit for killing his own uncle. He didn't care anymore either, because in his eyes, his uncle deserved to die for not trying to help his sister...but that day played back out in his head & with it came sadness, anger & regret. "Oh Anne, sweet sister of I miss you."

He knew what day it was, the day he killed Soloman Sallow, his uncle & the only one who had taken him & his sister in after their parents died. The old man had long since given up the fight on saving those who had been hurt with Crucio, the curse of unimaginable pain & torment, but Sebastian hadn't. He had gone after every sensible cure he could think of & every time he came home, his uncle shot him down, not even giving him the chance to try them out. "She cannot be cured Sebastian! The sooner you learn that, the better." He had called bullshit on him numerous times, but was always told "no". He had taken the only family they had left out of a fit of rage now that he thought about it, but his rage was overwhelming that day & it was the last straw he could take. Nobody seemed to understand him, not even his best friend Ominus. "Bloody hell told off on me & had me imprisoned." Ominus wasn't normal as he was blind since birth, but he was special as he was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself, meaning he had powers nobody else had unless they were part of that family. Parseltongue was one of those powers Ominus possessed & although not proud of it himself, Sebastian was still in awe of it, not to mention a bit jealous. "Oh to light those jailors up & let them be killed by a snake bite..." Sebastian didn't have that wicked ability that Ominus had to talk to snakes, but he had an unusual ability to use the three unforgiveable curses easier than anybody else, plus at a level that not even his ex-auror of an uncle could defend against. Not even Ranrok's goblins could defend against his Imperio spell & they were stronger than any regular student, but their attack on his sister unleashed a rage in him that was so strong that he took complete control of the one who went after his sister. "Anne...I hope you know that you're still my everything & that I'll never stop fighting to get out of here & make sure you're still okay in some way." Come to find out, he was the firstborn between the two of them, making him the eldest of them. He was big brother by only minutes, but that instinct to protect & save her remained strong in him & it hurt that he was trapped in the most hellish prison of all...not to mention he had a death sentence upon him.

As the jailors fell to the floor, dead from the flames of Confringo, Sebastian spied a set of keys on them. Without saying a word, he closed his eyes & focused on the keys. ~Accio!~ He opened his eyes to find the keys flying straight into his hands on command. The other prisoners looked on in amazement at him, as he was also the only one in the place who could cast spells without a word or a wand & it left them speechless every time. "By Merlin's beard Sallow! How the hell do you do it?!" "Come on Sebastian, you've got to teach us that!!" "Casting spells without saying them is one thing, but who the fuck taught you to do it without a wand too?! Lucky bastard you are!! You've got the chance to teach us all & yet you don't!! What gives?" Sebastian was feeling a might bit proud about getting them riled up, but he wasn't taking their shit either. "Give me one damned good reason to teach you idiots how I do it! All of you would have me killed on sight or go after my sister & take her for yourselves! FUCK NO!" Sebastian knew why he was locked up, but he knew better than to trust anybody in the place too, because most of them were murderers or had used the unforgiveable curses on innocents for fun. He had better plans in mind, like breaking out & return to finding a cure for his beloved sister. Anne deserved to live without being in pain & he'd be damned if he died before finding it. He stood at the door of his cell, looking to the long stairwell across from him, knowing the road ahead wouldn't be an easy one. What few female prisoners that were nearby looked at him in awe as he unlocked his cell & finally walked out, letting the candlelight & lightning illuminate him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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