Chapter 369

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I kept a close eye on Scrapper and Tina as they went through the obstacle course. Bae was giving some good tips to me. Chris an Maini were talking just behind us.

"Ceillia, it looks like they are doing well." Bae Chatters to me in approval.

"I hope so Bae. I need to help Scrapper improve much more then this by his deadline given to us by Vil'Lai. Tina is fired up an wants to be on the same course as Kiki an the others, ASAP. I just want them to do their best with little issues as possible." I say to her.

I see Bae bringing up a holo of their course. "Ceillia it might be better if we switch the jump poles out for a hand ladder across the mud pit. There is a lot of leg strengthening on this course but little in the way of upper body an core arm movements. It would help to balance their bodies when sparring later on. What do you think?" Bae asks me.

She was right, it also had been a concern of mine before. Vil'Lai had said not to worry about but Shi'Va pointed out something similar the other day. I wonder if Vil'Lai is testing me in some way as well with this?

Thankfully Hopper will be over tonight! Its only been a few days but I miss him terribly.

I feel a bit guilty for putting Chris on Pup duties. She said we would have opportunities to make it balance out later on. I sigh...

I wish there was more that I could do to help. Chris an Mar'cte scolded me earlier that I was already doing too much! It made me giggle on the inside. I am lucky to have such a caring family now.

I feel a poke in the middle of my back, when I turn around I see Chris giving me a playful smile. "Ceillia its gonna be okay." She assures me.

She an Maini take the lead ahead of us, as they go to check out the rest of the course. I still wonder if she can read minds! I know Singh is convinced that she can. Singh an Shi'Va will be over tomorrow for Tina's birthday party.

I think back to the last birthday I had as a kid, when my parents were still alive. It was definitely a happy time, I can still taste the fruit dessert my mother use to make. Since that time I haven't really celebrated it at all. It was just another day to me now. The few times I did remember was when I got my age wrong when filling out forms as I forgotten how old I was.

I do like the Yautja way of celebration in the birthing season, an the festivities they have for the pups of the family. Given that so many are born so close together it makes sense to do it that way.

I can't wait until we are back with the family again an we can do the celebrations together!

I smile watching Scrapper and Tina bet on who is gonna finish first! They were going to be good friends in the future. I just know it! However I have a feeling that Kiki will be a bit over protective of Tina in the future too!

They have made such wonderful friends.

I am very proud of my pups!

They are all so amazing...

Scrapper an I were wheezing after doing our rounds on the obstacle course. Maini had come around to give us each a scan to make sure we were okay. I couldn't help but smile as in less then a day I would be able to see Dee!

I wanted to do a camp out with snacks and many treats. We were going to have a bonfire in the outdoor arena area. With Marshmallows, sausages, chocolate bars, an a whole bunch of more goodies!

Chris is even going to make a cake for me!

A real cake!

I couldn't believe it, she went through so many options with me. I decided on a cake called a black forest cake...I have no idea what it will be like, but it sounded tasty!

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