Appearances Can Be Deceiving

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Including today, there were only five more days of Christmas break. I was glad that we got Klaus and Cole back, but I still wanted to know why Yami, Truth, and the other guy were there. Hale and Fannar had confirmed to me earlier today the other guy was, in fact, Gannon. Yami and Truth were arrested because they were under suspicion of kidnapping Cole and Klaus. Gannon was also arrested for possibly helping Yami and Truth.

I had brought the two of them to the academy's infirmary just in case anything happened to them. They were busy resting- both from the sleeping potion and due to everything that had happened. When I talked to the nurse, she informed me on how they were doing. Thankfully, they didn't have any injuries. I decided to wait until they woke up to talk to them about their kidnapping experience.

- - -

Klaus laid in one of the infirmary beds with his eyes closed and thought back on what had happened to him. He remembered teleporting with Cole and that they ended up at SkullWitch Academy. He and Cole were heading back to their dormitory when they suddenly got drenched from above. The two of them looked up to see who did such a thing in the middle of winter and heard laughing from behind them. The two of them turned around to see a red-head in a long navy coat. They recognized him as their history teacher- Mr. Reeds. He was a lot taller than Sorce; probably by a foot. He walked over to the two of them and started up a conversation.

"You two have gotta watch where you're walking, y'know! Where are your guys' jackets, anyways? It's freezing like Antarctica here!"

"Oh, we just got back from a walk, so we're not that cold," Cole lied.

Klaus started, "What? Cole, we didn't go on a-"

Cole nudged him, "Yeah, and we were on our way back to our dorms, Right Klaus?"

"What are you saying, Cole?! We have to go back to my house! Fannar and Sorce could be in danger!"

"Sorce? In danger? Hah, that man could never be in real danger!" Mr. Reeds laughed.

"You know him?" Cole was curious now.

"Of course I know him! Aside from a major haircut and a new beard, he's pretty much the same Sorce that I knew back in high school."

"He had long hair?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, and he looked terrible like that. I am so glad he finally agreed to let me cut it. It was pissing me off way too much! I think I might have a picture of him somewhere," Mr. Reeds searched through his pockets.

Mr. Reeds reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a photograph. Once he showed it to them, the two of them could see Sorce with Mr. Reeds. Klaus looked at Sorce with his long hair and grimaced. Long hair does not- in fact- suit him. Cole was trying not to hold back his tears of laughter, but he failed.

Klaus and Cole eventually went their own ways and ke asked Cole why he had lied to Mr. Reeds about what was happening at his house. As they were walking back to their dorms, Cole had said to him that he just wanted to make sure that he wasn't up to no good. Klaus sighed. He told Cole that if the whereabouts of Sorce and Fannar got out, it still wouldn't matter.

"I was literally playing it safe, and then you decided to make an idiot out of me!" Cole said.

"Well you called me an idiot, so it's only fair."

"That was a joke!"

"Don't joke like that, then-"

Just then, Klaus heard the sound of glass shattering. They looked over to the window to their left. A blur of gray smashed through the window and was about to hit the floor. Klaus and Cole recognized the blur as their classmate- Grayson. Suddenly, Klaus and Cole got even more drenched as a wave of water splashed into the three students. They looked to see Mr. Reeds seemingly control the water. It eventually clicked and Klaus realized that Mr. Reeds's Talent must be water-related.

Their Betrayals: A Change of Heart (aka SkullWitch Academy)Where stories live. Discover now