A Crisis at Work

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One terrible morning I showed up to work and saw that there were police cars everywhere, and police tape all the way around the bank. There was rubble at one side of the building where an explosion had ripped through the wall, from the inside out.

My manager was running around the building excitedly. I tried talking to him to find out what had happened, but his phone was constantly ringing, and he kept taking calls. I stood outside for a long while with my other co-workers, wondering what to do.

Then things got worse. We were all hauled down to the police station for questioning. Apparently they believed it was an inside job. Door sensors had been covered with tape preventing any of the entry alarms from going off. The perpetrator also managed to carefully avoid all cameras and make their way to the camera room to short out the DVR and server. A series of explosives were used, both large and small, to disable security equipment and blast holes in the vault and exterior wall.

All I could think about was Bette. "She's going to be so worried when she comes to bring me my coffee!"

Questioning took most of the day. We were all put into different rooms and interrogated separately. Some of us more than once. I even agreed to a lie detector test. That was quite the experience, but it seemed to go okay.

Someone must have said something to the investigators about Bette, because I started to get asked a lot of questions about her. I suppose that made sense, since the ladies at the bank were not very fond of her. I just said that she was my girlfriend, and we spent a lot of time together.

At the end of the day I went home. I was feeling pretty exhausted. I checked my messages, but there were none.

I was confused, "Why wouldn't Bette try calling me? She must have been worried." I tried calling her to let her know I was okay, but I only got her voicemail.

"Where could she be?" I thought.

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