Chapter 15 : Bend the knee

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It had been days since the Iron Titan had destroyed the mighty Bismarck and much of the Gothic Air fleet now a new battle faced Sebastes, Tiberius and the handful of Roman survivors, a mixture of Mark Augustus and his Reconnaissance Legionnaires and Praetorian guard members who now all huddle together in the depths of the command and control bunker. After the Goth bombardment had collapsed many of the tunnels and entrance to the bunker complex a new threat had emerged a battle for survival as the air supply in the bunker had begun to run out. Outside the Roman Engineers worked hard trying to find away in but all looked bleak.

The air inside the bunker grew thick with desperation as the Roman Engineers, their brows furrowed with determination, continued their tireless efforts to reach their entombed brothers. Their tools clanged against the unyielding walls, echoing through the desolate corridors, as they dug with fervor and prayed for a breakthrough.

Sweat trickled down their foreheads, mingling with the grime and dirt that coated their faces. With each swing of the pickaxe, hope and despair waged an unrelenting battle within their hearts. The sound of crumbling debris filled the air, but progress remained agonizingly slow. Time slipped away, slipping through their fingers like sand, as they fought against the relentless passage of minutes turning into hours.

Their voices, hoarse from shouting encouragement and exchanging desperate strategies, echoed through the dimly lit labyrinth. Urgency fuelled their actions, their movements becoming more frantic, yet precision remained paramount. With every inch gained, a flicker of hope ignited, only to be dampened by the overwhelming weight of uncertainty.

The survivors, confined within the depths of the bunker, listened intently to the distant sounds of their rescuers. Each scrape of metal against stone, every muffled shout, served as a lifeline, a reminder that they were not forgotten. The air grew thinner with each passing moment, their chests tightening in a suffocating embrace. Every shallow breath that filled their lungs was a precious commodity, a reminder of their fragility.

Sebastes, Tiberius, and the rest of the survivors clung to the sliver of hope that remained. Their eyes scanned the broken monitors and control panels, searching for any sign of progress. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows across their strained faces, mirroring the turmoil within their souls.

As the engineers pressed on, their muscles aching and their spirits tested, the weight of responsibility bore down upon them. They knew that time was running out, and failure was not an option. The fate of their comrades rested in their hands, and they would not rest until every ounce of their strength had been spent in the pursuit of rescue.

In the dark and damp bunker, the desperation seeped into the very foundations, intertwining with the flickering cables and shattered screens. The entombed survivors could only wait and pray, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of their uncertain future.

As Tiberius and his men gathered in the bunker, a hushed silence fell over the dimly lit room. Suddenly, at the center of the space, a small blue orb materialized, its vibrant hue cutting through the darkness. The room seemed to come alive as the orb emitted a soft, pulsating glow, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. Tiberius's eyes widened with astonishment as he watched the orb's radiant light spread, illuminating the bunker. Its heart, a mesmerizing cobalt color, pulsed with a mysterious energy that seemed to crackle in the air. The orb's presence was both awe-inspiring and unnerving, captivating all who witnessed its arrival.

"What, by the gods, is that?" Tiberius exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. He stood up, unable to tear his gaze away from the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before him. The air itself seemed to hum with an otherworldly power, as if the very fabric of reality was being rewritten.

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