Chapter 12 - The Heroic Masquerade

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Glorious, victorious, brave as ever and never lacked of anything, that is how heros are. All those fairytales of childhood always have had their heros unafraid of everything. They never felt their hearts dropping to their stomach or a weight over their shoulders, as Namjoon felt now.

Namjoon wasn't too brave to back out, but he could never deny the fact that if he really was to be saving their land, then maybe he won't back out. He couldn't put himself to sleep, the night before, no matter how much he tried.

The only images he could think of were of all the misery and suffering their land was going through. To be very honest, none of them had understood or grasped minds around the tales that they heard over the previous occasions. Were they really supposed to save the world? But they still aren't prepared for that. Wasn't he supposed to graduate in two years and become an officer at the ministry? Was it really meant to be so out of plan?

But what weighed over Namjoon's heart at the moment was his father. He knew, he had  decided that he was going to give anything to fight against the force which was lurking around their world. And in the last days the ministry was, although unofficially, was divided into two sides – the ones who supported them and the ones who supported the Dark.

Madam Lee has set her own team of investigation who are still on their job to find out, who was the one to actually summon Nyxophilion. But still no progess was noticed. Though, it has been found, that there were some obstacles intentionally created to delay the process. But the goal was way too big for such petty speed-breakers.

As the carriage galloped through the cobblestone streets, Namjoon's heart picked up a pace with the same rhythm as the wheels. He was sure his family had got the news, but he wasn't sure how were they going to take it.

Especially his father, who himself was a loyal official to the ministry and has been training Namjoon since childhood. He wanted Namjoon to become an official just like him, and serve the land like he did. And of course, the return of the Dark was never really thought to be in the way.

Once the carriage had stopped outside his home, Namjoon rubbed his palms over the surface of his jeans trousers and got down to pay the driver.

And as he entered in his apartment, almost half of it was empty of the stuff he had. He moved on to see his father and mother in their bedroom, moving in a rush and packing their clothes and toiletries into huge suitcases.

He knocked on the door to grab their attention and got two different reactions. His father was relieved to see him, while his mother seemed somewhat nervous.

'Son', said his father, 'come on  pack your things, fast. We are moving to Seoul. I have got the orders from Madam Lee.'

'Father I … ', Namjoon once again failed to say anything.

'What happened Namjoon dear?', questioned his mother.

Namjoon drew in a deep breath and spoke with finality, 'I am not coming to Seoul'.

The air in the room stilled for a second. Mr Kim remained standing in his spot, not a muscle moving. His mother's eyes moved from Namjoon to his father, back and forth, afraid of what was coming next.

Namjoon stood at the doorway, ready to face anything that was coming. He didn't where did the sudden confidence come from, it just did.

'So you want to stay here?', asked Mr Kim. His voice quivered a little.

'Yes dad'.

'When you perfectly know that Ravedawn is probably the least safest place to be in?'

'Yes dad'. Namjoon saw that his father avoided eye contact with him. He, somewhere, really was afraid of disappointing his father, but his decision was final. 'Remember Dad, what you taught me since I was a child, "Work for you motherland whenever you can, for it has given you everything". And I now want to Dad'.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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