Nalpha (Nerd x Alpha) Oneshot

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The notorious serial killer and game show host, [Redacted], reopens his family-ran Murder Hotel, known for its deadly trivia games and minigames, as a new group of unsuspecting victims are lured into its sinister clutches.  The voodoo dolls, Red Herring, Alpha, Screamer, Sheriff, Believer, Jester, Lovers, and Nerd, find themselves trapped within the hotel's walls, each facing their own fears and challenges.

Alpha, the calm and composed voodoo doll, takes charge and tries to keep the group focused and positive, even in the face of impending danger. The other seven made him the leader of the group due to him not even being scared one bit that he was tricked Nerd, the shy and soft-spoken voodoo doll, struggles with his fear of dogs and finds solace in his love for cats, while soon secretly harboring a crush on Alpha.

"Alright, now who can tell me the correct answer to this?  In Swedish, a skvader is a rabbit with what unusual feature? Your choices are, A. Wings, B. Two Tails, C. Three Heads, or D. An Extra set of teeth?" [Redacted] asked as he started the timer on his fancy watch waiting for his victims to answer. When time was up, he smirked "Who got the question right?"

Everyone's answers got revealed..everyone except one got the answer right..poor Nerd got answer wrong. Nerd started to shake and quiver as [Redacted] chuckled "For those who got a wrong answer, follow me!" He lead Nerd and the other 7 to a killing room. "Hope you don't mind a little water, little guy" [Redacted] then made some water rise in Nerd's tank as the grey doll gulped.

"Pick the right key before you drown, bud. Good luck. You'll need it" [Redacted] chuckled as Nerd looked at all the keys and chose one, it didn't open his tank and more water started to rise, the small gray doll started banging on the tank out of fear

The other seven were getting worried for poor Nerd who was possibly going to drown any moment soon, one was narrowing his eyes at [Redacted] and it was Alpha. He was feeling bad for poor Nerd who was stuck and scared in that water tank. He was going to help him escape even if it costed his own life.

Nerd tried again as he chose another key but the water in the tank rose again, it was above his neck. He banged on the tank harder and was trying to scream as Screamer screamed "SOMEONE HELP HIM!" She was clearly panicking while Believer tried to calm her as Sheriff gulped "Pardeners, we're gonna need someone strong to break that tank open and FAST"

Alpha took a deep breath as he narrowed his eyes and looked at [Redacted] who was chuckling "one last chance little guy" he watched the scene unfold and enjoyed seeing his victim almost drown in the tank and was banging on it. Then, Alpha had enough. The tall golem doll took his chance, he ran up to the tank and used his strength and shattered the glass of the tank letting the water burst out letting Nerd escape alive. Despite having some cuts and some cotton revealed from his arms, Alpha didn't care, he saved the little fella.

[Redacted] was shocked and got mad and left the room to possibly plot his next schemes, and give Alpha a more deadly minigame for letting Nerd survive. Meanwhile, Nerd got out the tank and his body was wet from the water. He felt like he was being weighed down from the water soaking him. He was also catching his breath and coughed a few times.

The other dolls gasped but smiled and cheered for Alpha who pulled off a brave mood, he was hurt but ignored his pain and looked at Nerd "You alright..little marshmallow?" He asked in a more soft and gentle voice outside of how he would talk to the others. The Nerd fell to the floor and managed to talk "Thank you..Alpha." he coughed again as Alpha limped over and picked him up gently

"Shh.." Alpha gently patted him on the back to help him breathe and get the water out of him. The other dolls smiled and left the killing room. A few hours later, Alpha was healed from his scars and Nerd was all dried up. Alpha took Nerd into his hotel room and was holding the smaller doll in his arms.

"Alpha, thank you again.." Nerd spoke hugging onto the big golem doll tightly and felt comfy in Alpha's big arms "but why did you do that? [Redacted] could of killed you too.." he asked as Alpha put his hand(?) On Nerd's lips smiling "I couldn't risk someone so small, pure, adorable, and precious be killed over some stupid trivia question.." Alpha spoke then patted Nerd's head

Nerd's cheeks had turned a shade of pink, and smiled letting out a small squeal. He looked up at Alpha then clinged onto him. Alpha chuckled and stroked Nerd's head, he then brought the little doll closer to him and printed a kiss on his cheek. Nerd smiled and squealed louder and gave Alpha and little smooch. The two cuddled in Alpha's hotel room for the rest of the time being, the other six dolls were glad that Nerd was alive thanks to Alpha's bravery and kindness.

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