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This song is made by FKA Twigs so good, not my song!! ALL CREDIT TO HER, FOR HER MASTERPIECE!!

Nico's P.O.V. will be Italicized, and Will's will be plain. I'm Underlined!!

I had thought that I had done enough, for camp. Thought that they finally accepted me, that I did enough for them to like me. I guess I was wrong. Didn't I do it for you?
I've tried and tried to get this camp to like me. I bled, and I fought until I was finally accepted. But the second I came out as genderfluid/gay. They Ostracized me again. Why don't I do it for you? I was finally happy with Will Solace my boyfriend. I finally saw myself again, was starting to love myself. Then you rip us to shreds, not only hurt me but Will! Why can't you fight for me. Why won't you do it for me? The worst part is, that all I can do is hide, and watch. And no matter what I know at the end of the day I'll be here for the camps, for the homophobic campers, the ones that broke me again.Why can't you just accept me? When all I do is for you? 

'They want to see us, want to see us alone. Maybe they don't want to see me happy. Maybe they think I'm not good enough for William Solace.' I think as two Ares kids rip me and Will apart shoving me to the ground, and ganging up on me. They want to see us, want to see us apart. What if they hurt Will? It Will be my fault.

Maybe I was meant to be alone. Maybe Will and I should break apart. So he can be safe. So he won't have to deal with this. My Sunshine shouldn't have to deal with this. 

Will's P.O.V

 Nico and I had retreated to his cabin, when people started to glare, and we saw more dumbass homophobes come at us. I could see the fear in his eyes. But I know it wasn't for me. I know he runs away when he thinks it's for the better. He's sitting on the floor now staring at the wall. I need him, I, I love him. They're tearing us apart. He won't look at me. ANd I want him to know that I don't care.

 "Ronnie I love you, and I, just want to feel you're there" I said wiping tears from their eyes. Nico goes by VEronica when she feels feminine, Nico when he feels masculine, and Ronnie when they feel all of it or nothing. No matter how they feel I love them, I need them.

"And I don't want to have to share our love, I don't care what those fascist have to say. Nico I just want you. Please stay with me, for me" I say, looking into his eyes.

"I'll try, but I get overwhelmed"  I told my boyfriend, the boyfriend I'm not good enough for. When you're gone I have no one to tell. When you eventually realize that, then I'll be alone again.

And I, can only feel you're there. I don't want to have to share. I try to be here, but no matter what I get overwhelmed. Why can't I just be good enough? 

"I love you too, Will I'm sorry" I said, looking into his crystal blue eyes.

'I'm the medic, I've healed all of this camp, but they don't care about that anymore? I'm only gay now to them, not caring, not helpful. Well they can keep their thoughts to themselves because I'm not letting go of Nico. Just to be there perfect medic, all wrapped in cellophane. The feelings? The memories, that we had, all gone. The campers never actually liked me. Even though I gave it my all, I had sleepless nights, I tried to saved lives!' Will thinks. 

 'And didn't I do it for you?' I question in my mind.

'Why don't I do it for you? ' Nico wonders, on why he can't be loved.

"Why can't they just accept us? Why can't they just be happy for us. We gave these camps our lives, our help, we gave the campers everything, the world everything we could!" I yell, now crying along with my boyfriend. He wraps his arms around me.

"Why won't they do it for us? When all we do is for them?" I whisper.

'And didn't I do it for you?' Will Thinks.
'Why won't I do it for you?' Nico Thinks.
'Why won't you do it for me?' Will ponders.
'WHEN ALL I DO IS FOR YOU!' Nico screams in his mind.

'But I, just want to feel you're there' Will thinks as he looks over to his boyfriend who's helping him up.

"And I don't want to have to share our love" he whispers into Nico's ear, before putting a soft kiss on his lips.

'I'll try but I'll get overwhelmed. No good and you'll leave. When you're gone, I have no one to all' Nico thinks as his tears flow into there kiss. Nico and Will get up to go to dinner.

"They're waiting" Nico said.
"They're watching" Will replied.
"They're watching us" Nico said.
"They're hating" Will says angrily his fist clenching, as they make there way to the door again. Will stops at the handle.
"They're waiting" Nico says, helping him turn the handle, as they put up there mask, to endure the hate.
'But I'm hoping for us.' I think, as my boyfriend kisses my cheek, before I look around.

'I'm not enough' I think as Will looks around.

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