Chapter 3 - Introduction Arc: Occupational Hazard

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My name is Quinton, I'm a Rank 3 Agent working for the Finkerton's Employment Agency who is currently on a mission to hunt down some Akhluts causing problems in the Boreal Forests of Altear.

Those mutts have been causing problems for the fishermen for as long as they've been there. They normally live in the coasts nearby but they've been popping up in the forest more and more these days. It's almost like they know the routes the fishermen take to get to Alterplex.

I'm not alone on this trip, though. There are some folks coming along for the trip to gather the meat from the Akhluts. There aren't any noteworthy folks among them, except for this white haired kid though, he's got a pretty confident air to him, must be a new guy. I don't expect much out of him but I hope he understands the dangers we're gonna be facing.

Speaking of, the air got a little colder and it started to snow. It looks like we've finally reached the site.

"Alright, we're here."

The Operators got off the truck and lined up to Quinton.

"These roads are used by the Fishermen to deliver their goods to Alterplex City and there have been reports of ambushes from the Akhluts happening here. They requested that I exterminate the monsters that'll be showing up, so all you have to do is stand by on the side and gather their dead bodies and carve out their meat until either the Fishermen pass by us, all the Akhluts have been killed or if the snow becomes too heavy, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!"


"Whoops, sorry about that. My sword holster...thing...just untied itself."

Tch, amateurs. And it's the same white haired kid from before, too. He'll never make it through this job like that.

The white haired kid struggled to put his sword back on his belt for a minute and he looked incredibly stupid while doing so.

"Hang on. Give me a minute." The kid said

This whole scenario was getting awkward so Quinton went on to fix it for him.

"Alright stop that."

"Wait, I almost got it."

"You're doing it wrong ya' numbskull, now get over here."

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hands off buddy."

The two were struggling against each other until Quinton finally tied the holster back on.

"There, if you're gonna tie your sword back on. Do what I just did, got it?!"

The Kid nodded in response and Quinton recomposed himself.

"Huh, maybe he's not such a bad guy after all, despite his looks." Dante thought to himself as he watched Quinton stomp off.

"Get ready, they're coming" Quinton warned everyone

I steeled myself for what was about to come and then what looked like an Orca popped its head out of the snow. It had a sort of furry face and had its tongue sticking out as if it were a dog; though that should've been expected considering they were part wolf.

"It's...kinda cute." I said

Then it fully revealed itself to have legs and a wolf tail, and even more of them popped out of the ground and started to come at us.

"Oh Crap!"

Before one of them could jump at me Quinton quickly killed it with his two hatchets before it could touch me.

"What did I say about staying on the sidelines? Get back from here!"

I listened to Quinton's orders and ran behind the trees where the other Operators were and watched Quinton slay away at the Akhluts.

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