Chapter 17.2 - Altar Aftermath Raid Arc: The Days go by Part 2

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As for other ways I thought of to learn more about this world, I also decided to ask Esmerelda things about Alterplex and Cour de Miracles.

"You wanna learn more about this world?"

"Yes, I do. I can't exactly function as a proper Boss if I don't know things as if I have no common sense about this place, let alone function as a human being."

"Well alright! Since my ever so Notorious Boss asked so nicely, it's my job as your advisor to advise you on...whatever it is that you need."

She then took out a book from the shelf titled "The Historic Events of Alterplex City".

"Oh wow...a book."

"Hey! You're the one who asked me for my wisdom, don't go calling it off just because you think books are boring."

"I'm not calling the book boring. It's just that you could've told me that you had a book from the get go so that I could've read it on my own. That's how I've been getting to know about the Known World ever since I got here, aside form asking around that is."

"Oh is that so? Well you asked for my help, so I'm gonna give you my help. By reading this book to you, so sit back and relax."

"Ugh, alright. I'll just pretend you're reading me a bedtime story or whatever."

"Aww, does itty bitty widdle Dante want a glass of milk, too?~~"

"Just read the damn book already!"

"Hehe~, alright. Don't get your knickers in a knot."

According to her, Alterplex City used to be called Carnis Town 500 years ago which was known for its mining facility where they collected the rare mineral Known as Apetite. As for what was so special about it, the reasoning was something I honestly couldn't believe. Apparently Apetite was a group of different kinds of stone that was not only edible but also tasted like meat. I know salt is technically a rock thus is edible, but the fact that there's rocks that tastes and looks like meat is beyond me. Although, with Desideration existing in this world, it doesn't sound too far-fetched.

As for how Cour de Miracles was formed, the mines for Apetite collapsed in on itself and Cour de Miracles itself remained. It was founded by a bunch of criminals who were being pursued by the Theocracy Soldiers and stumbled upon this area to hide. They named it that for the fact that this place still stands even after 500 years.

Ever since I heard this story, I began wanting to learn more and more about the Known World and what the people have done. Esmerelda has been trying to give me some kind of goal, so maybe I should make it my goal to learn about the world around me.

As for what's going on with business, it has been going really smoothly overall. Tommy's Poison Manipulation is incredible, with it we're able to brew gallons of whiskey which normally take 3 weeks into a single day. We've also been asking our customers to return the bottles to us after they were done with them in trade for discounts. We're reusing the bottles because it's good for saving up on materials as well as because we have no reliable way to obtain any aside from stealing them.

Transporting is the hard part of the job since there are so many obstacles we have through, like Theocracy Soldiers, Finkerton employees and other criminals who tried to steal from us. One time a Theocracy Soldier had us cornered and just before they were gonna report us over the radio I tried to smooth talk my way out of it but what mostly carried by stuffing 2,000 into pocket and he just became pretty cooperative. Bribery is overpowered, but very expensive.

They weren't kidding when they said people would kill to get their hands on a bottle these days, they're flying out the window. Combined with the money made from Esmerelda's Shop, we were making bank, maybe I should raise the prices a little. Though, this all thanks to Gene and his merchant abilities. Not only that but he's also been taking notes on the patrol routes of the Theocracy Soldiers and Finkerton employees as well as where we can safely open up shop so transport has been a lot easier, maybe I should consider being a little nicer to him.

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