Chapter 7: Emotional

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Matt's POV:

The next morning I woke up with my arms wrapped around Gabby's body. All of last night's events came rushing back, leaving shift early, finding Gabby on the bathroom floor crying, and finding out she's pregnant. I just laid there watching her sleep, because she was an emotional wreck. About 20 minutes later, she began to stir, and rolled around to face me. "Good morning babe" Gabby said. "Good morning honey, how ya feeling" I asked. "I'm okay, and I'm actually really hungry this morning" she said with a small grin, and instinctively put her had on her stomach. I smiled at her, and said, "I'll go make breakfast, and you can just lay here". I kissed her, and went out into the kitchen. I decided to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I mean what pregnant woman doesn't like bacon. I mixed the pancake batter, got the bacon out of the package to get it ready to sear, and got the eggs all cracked and turned on the burner. About 15 minutes later I was finished with breakfast, and set the table. I went back to our room, and went to get Gabby. I found her sound asleep in the same position I left her. I gently rubbed her shoulder, and she opened her eyes. "Gabby you gotta eat, you gotta feed that little baby inside of you" I said gently. "All I wanna do is lay here, and sleep all day Matt" she replied, and I could tell she was on the verge of tears. I got into bed, took her in my arms and kissed her forehead. "Gabby I'll make you a deal, if you come eat breakfast, we can lay in bed all day and watch movies" I offered. She sighed and agree. I got outta bed, walked over to her side, and helped her up outta bed. Together they walked out into the kitchen and sat down to eat. Matt watched Gabby push the food around in her plate. I asked, "Gabby what's wrong"? "I'm so tired Matt. All I want to do is sleep, and I have a headache" she was sobbing by the time she was finished saying it. "Hey, it'll be alright, let's get you back upstairs to bed, and I'll get this mess cleaned up" I told her. I helped her back upstairs, and helped her get back into bed. After that I went back downstairs and cleaned up the kitchen. I loaded all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and put all of the stuff away. I went back upstairs, and saw Gabby lying in bed. I walked over to her and said, "I'm going to jump in the shower, yell for me if you need anything". "K" she mumbled. I hopped into the shower, and began to think. Should I take Gabby to the hospital? Or should I wait it out? What do I do for my pregnant emotional wreck of a girlfriend? Get her chocolate? Or a back rub? Do I make her take a shower? I have literally so many questions. I got outta the shower got dressed in an old CFD shirt and some sweatpants. I walked over to Gabby, who was still in bed. "Hey baby, do you wanna take a shower or a bath" I gently questioned. "I'll take a bath if you run the water and sit by me while I take it" Gabby replied. "Okay, I'll go start the water" I said. I walked into the bathroom and started the water, and put Gabby's favorite lavender bubble bath in the water. I grabbed a fresh towel and set it next to the tub. I went back out into the bedroom. I helped Gabby out of bed and into the bathroom. I helped her get her cloths off, and helped her ease into the warm bubbly water. "How ya feelin' babe" I asked her. "Okay, just really tired and achy" she replied. "Do you want me to take you to the doctor" I asked worriedly. "Tomorrow we can go if I still feel sick" she said. "Okay, I just want you to feel better" I told her. "I know baby, if it makes you feel better, I'll schedule an appointment for tomorrow" she said smiling. "Yes it honestly would make me feel better, I don't like seeing you like this" I told her with a caring tone. "Can you help me out of the tub" Gabby asked. "Of course" I told her. I took her hand helped her stand up and handed her the towel. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna grab you some clothes" I said. I went out into our bedroom and grabbed her favorite pajamas: one of my old CFD shirts, and her favorite polka dot shorts. I also got her some underwear. I walked back into the bathroom and set her clothes on the bathroom vanity countertop. "Do you need anything else? Are you hungry" I asked. "Yeah, can you go make some popcorn to watch with our movies" she asked. "Of course honey" I replied and left the bathroom to make the popcorn. I was almost out of the bathroom when I heard: "MATT" being yelled. I ran back to our bathroom to see Gabby standing there in her underwear and shirt. "Can you also get some pickles too" she said while smiling sheepishly. "Anything for you" I smilied. I went back to kitchen and made the popcorn and grabbed the pickle jar. I also got two water bottles and filled them with cold water. I managed to carry everything in one trip, and found Gabby putting in a movie. She put the movie in the DVD player and hopped into bed. Once she was settled I handed her water bottle and said, "You need to hydrate". "Fine she said with a smirk. "And since I got you pickles, you have to give me a kiss" I said with my famous smirk. "Well Lieutenant that seems fair" she replied. I looked over and Gabby was sound asleep, so i kissed her head and said "Goodnight my love".

Gabby's POV:

I woke up this morning and had the sudden urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom, and began to violently throw up the contents of my stomach. Before I knew, I felt a hand rubbing reassuring circles onto my back, and instantly knew it was Matt. When I was finished, and I leaned back into him. "You feeling okay honey" he asked me. "Just some morning sickness" I told him. "Okay, remember you agreed to go to the doctors today" I reminded me. "Yes I know Matt, I made an appointment with my OBGYN" I replied. "Okay well let's get you up and feed you and little one in there" he said. Together we got up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. "What do you to want for breakfast" Matt asked me. "I think we want eggs, some sausage, and some ice cream" I said with a smirk. "Really ice cream, it's only 8 o'clock in the morning" he said. "Do you really want to argue with your hormonal pregnant girlfriend" I asked with some sass. "Um no not really" he said with a chuckle. Before I knew it, Matt had breakfast ready and was yelling, "Gabby breakfast is ready". I got of the couch and made my way to the table. I sat down and Matt asked, "What time is your appointment today?" he asked. "At 11, so maybe afterwards we can go out to lunch" I said. "Sounds like a plan" he said. We finished up breakfast and went to take showers. I showered first, washing my hair with my favorite lavender hair soap and a new vanilla body wash I just got. I also shaved my legs, and then got out and then got dressed. I wore a purple shirt, that covered the small swell that was beginning to form, with a pair of dark washed skinny jeans. I brushed my hair, and left it in it's natural waves, and I didn't wear any makeup. I left the bathroom and told Matt it was his turn. I went downstairs, and turned on the TV. I put on the morning news, and picked up a magazine that was in the coffee table. I was reading an article about gardening, when Matt came out. "You ready to go" he asked. "Yup just waiting on you" I told him. I grabbed a light jacket and we headed out the door to Matt's truck. He started the truck, and I gave him the directions to get there. Within 20 minutes, Matt had the truck parked in a near the OBGYN's office. I got my purse and Matt walked over to my side and opened the door. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the office. I stopped at the front desk and signed in, and guided Matt and I to the waiting area. I picked up a parenting magazine and began to flip through it. I felt a hand on my leg, and looked over at Matt, "Gabby they're calling your name" he said. I must've zoned out for a while. I set the magazine down, got up, and grabbed Matt's hand. We followed the nurse back to a room. She handed me a pink gown, and said to get changed into. I handed Matt my purse, and began to take of my shoes and socks, then my jeans, and lastly my shirt. I could feel Matt staring at me so I asked, "You enjoying the view Lieutenant". He blushed and said, "It's a very nice one I might add". I swatted him with my shirt, and then put the gown on. "This is the ugliest thing I have ever seen" I complained. "I think you look beautiful" Matt said. Just then a nurse walked in and told me she was going to take my height, weight, and a measurement of my stomach. She led me into the hallway where there was a scale. She took my weight and height, then she told me to go back into the room and I could put back on my clothes, to lay on the table, and said the doctor would be in soon. I walked back in the room, and sat on the table. The doctor walked in shortly after. She said, "Hi my name is Dr. Kimble, and I'll be over looking your pregnancy and helping during labor and delivery. I understand your here for an ultrasound?". "Yes that's correct" I answered. "Okay if you could pull up your shirt, I'm going to measure your stomach, this will help me figure about how far along you are" Dr. Kimble said. I pull my shirt up, and she got out her little tape measure, and while she measured my stomach, Matt grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. "From my measurements, it looks like your about 9 weeks along" Dr. Kimble said. "I'm going to put a little gel on your stomach, it might me a little cold" she said. She was right... The gel was cold and sent shivers down my spine. Dr. Kimble moved the ultrasound doppler around, and said, "That little black dot is your baby, and he or she looks very healthy". Matt was standing by my side, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I had tears in my eyes, and was so excited for the future. "I'm guessing you guys want pictures, so I'll have them sent to the front desk. Please schedule an appointment for about 4 weeks from now, and I'll have a prescription of prenatal vitamins sent up as well" she told us. "Thank you so much, Dr. Kimble" I said. "No problem, just doing my job" she replied. I wiped my stomach off, fixed my shirt, and grabbed Matt's hand. We walked to the front desk, scheduled an appointment, got the pictures, and got my vitamins. Matt asked, "What do you and baby Casey want for lunch". I put my hand on my stomach and said, "I think we would like a burger, with some fries". We went to a local burger house, and got takeout, I told Matt I wanted to get home and relax. We ate our burgers in bed, while watching a movie. We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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