Episode 10

9 3 3

Picnic day
Tessa POV
We all were sitting on the bus. the six of us were sitting together in a row. Me and Rose were sitting together and Charlie was sitting in front of our seat. The journey was quite pleasant. I was sleeping during the whole journey. After reaching our destination all my friends left in the bus to bring the bags alone.
Tessa: That lazy bitches!! Ouch the bags are heavy!
After taking the bags successfully I was about to get down from the bus when I stumbled a little.
Charlie: Careful! Hey why are you carrying so many bags alone Tessa? Come let me help you.
I was too shocked to say anything.
Tessa:Uh.. N-no.. It's ok I can carry it.
Charlie:Stop talking I saw how you were struggling to carry them. Give me.
He forcibly took the bags from me.
Tessa:Umm.. Thank you
He just smiled. Oh god that's so attractive.
Tessa: By the way how do you know my name?
Charlie:Tessa we are classmates so obviously I know your name, in fact I also know the names of your friends.
I don't know how the hell I am so calm right now but believe me I am literally internally screaming right now. I am literally walking with my crush.
Angelina:Tess! We are here (she said waving at me)
Charlie:Ah! I guess your friends are calling you, I'll take a leave then.
Tessa:Umm yeah sure and thanks again.
Charlie:Don't mention.
After that he left.
Katthie:Woah!! our Teslie had their first interaction!
Angelina:Girlie I mean how did this happened?
Maria:How are you so calm Tes?
Tessa:Don't say that, only I know how hard it was for me to start like this in front of him!
Rose:Ok now will you tell us what happened?!
Tessa:Oh yes.
Then I told them everything.
Time skip
All of us gathered in the field because the teachers told us.
Teacher:Hey kids I hope you all enjoyed the bus ride. Now for campaign we are gonna made some teams. And each team will have 3 members. I want you guys to make the teams by yourselves. I'll give you 5 minutes to make a team. And the time starts now.
Rose:Guys we are six so it will be easy for us to make a team. Me, Tessa and Kattie will be a team and Maria, Laura and Angelina will be another team
Laura:Ok we are okay with it.

After 5 minutes
Ok I hope everyone have made their teams. Now you guys have to make your tents, food and cleaning all by yourselves. First start with the cleaning.
Angelina:Are we here only to do work!?
Rose:I guess so
Maria:I think it will be fun to do these together.
Angelina:If you guys think it's fun then do it . I don't wanna work.
Maria:No work no food
Angelina:Ah! Maria don't be so cruel
Laura:She is right! If you want food get your lazy ass to work right now.
Angelina:Now I guess I have no choice!

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