Chapter Ten

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Flashback ...
(Three years old)
"Christian!" Cynthia, Christian's mother, called in a sing-song voice as she appeared in the three-year-old's bedroom. Christian looked up at her from where he was running over little Lego people with a truck, his blue eyes wide in child-like wonder. Cynthia crouched down and spread her arms as Christian rushed over to her and hugged her.

"We're going to see Athena today," she cooed, stroking Christian's brown hair out of his eyes, which lit up at the sound of his half-sister's name.

"Is Eean coming?" he asked in his three-year-old vocabulary. Cynthia sighed and shook her head.

"No, Ian is spending the day with your father," she said, scooping the child into her arms and turned to the door. Christian made little noises and held out his arms over her shoulder while saying "I want my truck." Cynthia held out her hand and the truck zoomed into her outstretched hand and she handed it to Christian, who made a sound of awe.

"Will I be able to do tat?" he asked, looking up at his mother who laughed.

"Not yet, you're too young to have your powers," she said, walking out of the door.

(At Athena's house)

Athena and Christian were sitting on the floor in the living room, playing with Christian's truck and Athena's Barbie doll, their parents watching. Christian had run over Athena's Barbie with the truck, cackling like a witch, and Athena begun to cry four-year-old tears and screaming unintelligent things.

"They get on so well," James, Athena's father - who also happened to be Cynthia's brother - laughed. "They'll make a great married couple."

"Well, they are engaged," Cynthia grinned. "But, I'm worried for Christian."

"How come?" James asked.

"A Pureblood vampire with a human parent, that is just not possible even though Christian is living proof," Cynthia sighed. "I'm afraid the Senate will come after him."

James petted Cynthia's back lovingly. Even though they weren't together any more, James still loved his sister.

"I won't let anything happen to Christian," he promised.

(Seven years old)

"Ian, what are you doing?" Christian asked, watching his twin try and eat some rice with some chopsticks. The family were on holiday in Japan, and they were having lunch in a restaurant. They were given forks to eat, but Ian was attempting to eat with chopsticks.

"I'm usin' cwopswicks," Ian said through a mouthful of rice. Christian looked away, looking over at his mother who was talking to his father. Christian wondered what was going on.

When they were done Ian and Jason walked back to the hotel, and Cynthia grabbed Christian's hand. Christian looked up at his mother in confusion as Cynthia led him through an alley, down a street and to a building with bars on the windows. Cynthia let go of Christian's hand and grabbed hold of the bars and leaned forward.

"Shizuka," she whispered. Christian watched as a woman with white hair and pink eyes walk over to the bars on the other side, blood running down her chin. She had just fed.

"Cynthia?" she asked.

"Shizuka, this is my son, Christian. Christian, this is Shizuka Hiou, my best friend."

"Does she know about what we are?" Christian asked.

"She's a Pureblood too," Cynthia answered. Cynthia turned to Shizuka and whispered something to the other Pureblood, who looked surprised but nodded. Christian wondered what that was about.

(Ten years old)

Cynthia and Christian were driving home from Athena's house, Cynthia looking like she was thinking hard. She looked at her son at the corner of her eye and made up her mind. She fiddled with the steering wheel and crashed into a tree, causing Christian to shriek in surprise. Cynthia got out of the car and walked around, pulling Christian out too. Blood ran down Christian's head from a deep gash, but it healed almost instantly.

Cynthia put her hands on Christian's shoulders and knelt in front of him, a loving look on her face.

"Mum, why did you crash the car?" Christian asked.

"I needed a reason why you were here by yourself," she answered simply. Christian didn't know what she was talking about. "And this is the only reason I could think of that would give you amnesia."

"What's amnesia?" Christian asked.

"It's when you won't remember anything," Cynthia answered. The smell of blood filled the air, and Christian gasped as blood ran down Cynthia's face, looking like a river as it separated on her nose.

"What's happening?" Christian asked.

"I'm casting a spell that will seal away your vampire side and transform you into a human like Dad and Ian," she explained. The smell of blood became stronger as blood crawled out from underneath the dress Cynthia was wearing. "That was why I took you to meet Shizuka three years ago: to Awaken you when you are sixteen."

"MUM, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Christian pleaded, hugging his mother and sobbing hard. "Please don't die."

"I'm afraid that the spell is already been cast," Cynthia said sadly. The last thing Christian heard his mother say before his mind went blank was, "I will always love you."

End flashback ...

"Why did she have to do that?" Christian whispered as he opened his eyes, looking up to see Shizuka lean towards Yuki's neck. That was when the door burst open, and Zero looked at the scene in anger before pointing the gun at Shizuka.

"Get away from Yuki Shizuka!" he shouted. Shizuka giggled as Yuki jumped in front of her, holding out the rob at its full length.

"Step aside Yuki," Zero hissed. Than his eyes widened. "Why the hell do I sense two vampires? Shizuka - what did you do?"

"I just simply restored Christian to his true form," Shizuka laughed. "Christian's actual name is Christian Shoto."

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