Chapter 1: Tomioka, Giyuu

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Tomioka pov:

A few weeks ago I was assigned a mission in xxxx.

They told me that there were a lot of low ranking demons, so master didn't want to risk much by sending a low ranking demon slayer, so the master decided to send a strong demon slayer, a Hashira, in this case: Me.

I got to the location by night, it was surprisingly calm there, I started looking for all the demons, I killed some demons, in total there were three demons, they weren't strong, and hadn't been a demon for too much time, with one movement I had already slashed the head off of all those demons that were there.

I could sense that there was one more demon hiding somewhere, but I didn't know where it was.

I continued looking for it, when suddenly the atmosphere changed, It wasn't as calm as it was before, it was full of madness and hatred, I could finally sense how strong the demon was. (Maby it's an upper moon, no, it's way to strong) I thought 

I was looking around so I didn't get attacked by surprise, but as soon as I turned around something similar to a tentacle grabbed me from my back and threw me to a nearby tree, I heard a snapping sound, soon after that blood was going out my mouth, I was feeling a lot of pain on my chest, some of my ribs were broken, I got up, grabbing my katana tightly while rushing at him.

-Just one little time skip (to the end of the fight)-

I was in a lot of pain, I had a few broken ribs on my rib cage, my arms and legs were completely covered with bruises and really deep cuts, my back was as well covered with really bad injuries and lots of blood, I also had a deep wound in my head.

"We'll see again hashira"

I looked at the demon, my vision was blurry.

The demon then disappeared, using my katana for support I started walking to master's state, my crow (Kanzaburou) wasn't there so I couldn't tell him to warn someone (specifically Kocho) about my current state.

I had been walking for what seemed for days, but in reality it was just a few hours, but I couldn't stop until I reach my destination, just a few minutes of more walking I was already at Oyakata-sama's state.

I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see who it was.

It was Sinazugawa.


My vision went black after that. I couldn't see or heard anything, I fell, but just before hitting the cold concrete.

I felt being grabbed.

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