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Chapter 6: A Desperate Plea

Fear surged through Leora as she faced the terrifying prospect of being dropped and injured. But in moments of desperation, hidden wellsprings of strength emerge. Determined to free herself, Leora gathered her courage and unleashed a fierce blow, using her heels as a weapon against her captor's most vulnerable area. The henchman released her, clutching himself in agony as Leora tumbled towards the ground, colliding forcefully with the wall. Pain exploded through her body, her head screaming in protest as she cried out, anguish pouring from her lips.

The sound of her cries pierced the air, a distress signal that reached the ears of Ender, who had retreated briefly from the scene. Concerned about his captive's welfare, he called for Agni, his trusted female caretaker, to attend to Leora's needs. Agni swiftly arrived, balancing a glass of water in her hand, her face a mask of calm professionalism.

Confronted with a sobbing child before her, Agni knelt down, gently offering the glass of water. Leora, still reeling from the pain, tears streaming down her face, managed to utter through her sobs,

 "My husband is also thirsty. He needs to drink water too!"

Ender, frustrated by Leora's persistent plea, his patience worn thin, commanded one of the male attendants to bring water for Asher. The attendant nodded and hurried off, disappearing mysteriously down the corridor, leaving an air of uncertainty in his wake. The fate of Asher's thirst remained unknown.

Meanwhile, Ender, consumed by his own thoughts, exited the room, climbing the stairs that led to the upper levels of his abode. Silence settled over the household momentarily before the tranquility was shattered by two resounding gunshots, their thunderous noise echoing down the walls. The sound sliced through the air, leaving an eerie stillness in its wake.

Leora, who clung to Agni throughout the turmoil, screamed once more as the reality of the gunshots sank in. The walls seemed to close in around them, suffocating them with the knowledge of impending danger.

Reacting swiftly, Ender issued orders to his bulky men and Agni, commanding them to lead Leora upstairs. They seized her arms firmly, pulling her towards the staircase, their grip unyielding. But before they could ascend, Leora's head collided forcefully with the wall, the impact causing her anger to flare even brighter. Ignoring the pain, she fought back with determination, delivering powerful kicks to the sensitive areas of the two men, causing them to wince and release their hold on her.

Seizing the opportunity to break free, Leora pushed Agni into the ground with a surprising force. Rising to her feet, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and determination, she sprinted downstairs, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to reach her husband, Asher, to find solace and safety in his embrace.

"mother wench fucker! don't think I am fragile" 

However, Ender, the indomitable mafia king, was not so easily defied. Through the labyrinthine corridors of the house, his orders echoed, commanding his men to separate Leora from her beloved. Their strong arms closed around her, forcefully guiding her away, shattering the last shreds of hope.

Leora's cries for her husband reverberated through the hallways, mixing with her palpable anger and pain. Ender's command was executed ruthlessly, tearing her away from the haven she craved. With each step she was forcibly taken away, the distance between her and Asher grew.

"no! my handsome husband!!!!" 

Locked in a battle against time and the unforgiving grip of the mafia's stronghold, Leora fought with all her might. But for now, the power of the king held sway, and Leora's path forward remained uncertain.

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