Just a child

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----Few years prior------

"Time for piano practice..." I went to the living, my older brothers were watching TV. I wish I could join them. I sit down at the piano. Dad gets in the room and hands me music sheets. "I hope you practiced this Toya." I nodded slowly and I  put my hands on the piano's notes. My hands were shaking. Dad took out a long wooden ruler. "Well then, start.". I played the first note


onto the second one.


My dad took the ruler and slapped it on my fingers. I held back tears and continued playing.





wrong wrong wrong.

smack! smack! smack!

Blood covered the notes. It looked disgusting...I wanted to puke, but I had to keep playing. It took so long but I got it somewhat almost perfect. Dad finally let me go. 


I began to explain. "Well...I got kicked out of my house. I really thought dad didn't care anymore if I didn't pursue classical music..but we got in a big argument and let's say..it didn't end so well." I pulled up my shirt and I had a ton of marks all over my arms, chest, and back. Some of them were still bleeding. I turned to Tsukasa and he had a disgusted look on his face. "He did all of that to you.?" I simply nodded and put my shirt back on.

 Saki got up and walked to the bathroom. She came back with a bunch of stuff including bandages. "They are still bleeding Toya. You need to take care of that.". she took out an alcohol wipe. "Can you turn around please". I listened to her and put my shirt up. "It's gonna sting a little". She began to clean the wounds. It was burning. Tsukasa took my hands, I squeezed his. After some time she finished and wrapped bandages around my chest. "All done". I also had a black eye, but there wasn't much to do about it. "Thank you, Saki..". I hugged her. I felt her arms wrap around me slowly. I still felt myself shaking. I felt Tsukasa join in on the hug, I felt warm..Finally, a place where I belonged. I felt tears on my cheek. "Oh no are you okay Toya?". I nodded, I wasn't sad anymore. I felt loved for once in my life. "Thank you Saki, thank you Tsukasa". 

We all stayed together. I don't know when, but I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up in the guest room "Tsukasa must have brought me here yesterday"  I went to the kitchen and found Saki cooking breakfast. "Hello toya! Did you sleep well?". I smiled at her and nodded. "I made breakfast" I thanked her and sat down. I looked around and didn't see Tsukasa. "Oh Tsukasa went to get your stuff, you're gonna live with us now. My parents were more than happy to let you live here".  "really? Wow..I don't know what to say..thank you" 

Finally free//Toya angstHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin