Pt.1 The mask hides

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Sal's pov
"Ash really I'm fine.." ash: "Sal..your bleeding, here we can use my bandanna" as she say this she started to unclip my prosthetic "a-ash y-you really don't-" she softly pressed the bandanna against my scarred face, bitting her lip yet after it was covered she smiled.. ash:" there it looked like it was a small scratch don't worry you can hardly see it" "t-thanks.." I slowly put my mask back on ash: "come on let's go report that prick" "ash I've dealt with bigger bully's then travis, it only would make things worse" Larry then came closer to us from the hall "Sal you okay? Was it travis again that prick! I'll kill him" "Larry, I'm fine it's okay don't worry about it" Ash:"Sal's right if we stir the pot it could just make things worse" larrry: "not if he's dead!" Ash:"then he'll probably just haunt the school and we'd be with that bonehead for the next 2 years" "ha! Say the group skeptic!" Ash:"You know I  love you guys, but the ghost stories are a bit much for me." Larry: "so we're really gonna let this Travis thing go?" "It's not worth it. Plus, think about it, who knows his home life is like. He's got a lot of pent up rage, there must be a reason?" Ash:"I'm pretty sure he's just angry that they switched bologna sandwich day to tomorrow." Larry chuckled ash:"seriously, I've never seen anyone love the crappiest lunch day so much, it's like a prison meal! And he doesn't even like pizza Friday! Who doesn't like pizza?! It's inhuman." Larry: "maybe he's an alien?" I gave Larry a face as I crossed my arms "heh- yeah that's all we need."

**the next day**
**bologna day**

Not even 10 minutes go by and the food looked upsetting as I sat down next to Larry and ash just looking at my lunch tray the room was filled with voices then ash chimed in ash: "does that bologna smell funny to you guys?" Todd:"I thought last week's was little off-putting but it seems to be worse this week." Larry: "didn't a bunch of kids call in sick the day after bologna day last week too?" Things then started to fade out and It was just me and my thoughts I could see Travis lying his head down on the lunch table, he was sitting alone.. he looked up quickly each time looking around like he was panicked or..destress, seeing him walk out so quickly made me worried in a way.. I then could hear something in the background but ignored it trying to think why he would just- Larry: "Sal!" "H-huh?" Larry: "you good? You seem out of it today, that knock to the face yesterday mess you up?" He chuckled a bit "I- no sorry I'll be back" Larry: "o-okay?.." as I took my tray I could see Larry look at ash worried.. I throw out the food that was on the tray and put it on the top of the trash where the trays went. Going to see where Travis went of too, as I go into the hall I see a glimpse of Travis pink sweater going into the bathroom as I went in there I saw a note lying on the floor which clearly looked like someone head tried to throw it out "hmm... Couldn't hurt to take a Quick Look!" "I know we don't really know each others and you probably have your opinions on me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel things different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings I have are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole, just writing these words. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever, I just-.." and there was just a bunch of scribbles after that.. as I walk past the sinks I see that one of the mirrors were broken wasn't like that his morning.. probably just some punk wanting to get back at the school for something. as I go near closer to the end where the stalls were i could hear someone starting to cry I could see shoes peaking out from bottom the stall, I knocked "I-is anyone in there?" There was a sniff Travis:"n-no buzz off!." "Travis?..were you just..crying a second ago?" Travis:"s-sally face I- n-no! What the hell? Can't I just get some privacy?" "It's okay to have emotions.." Travis:"I never said it wasn't!" " obviously came in here for a reason, I saw you in the hallway.." "oh now you following me like a creep!" "N-no! No..I just want you to know that someone cares about you okay.." he was silent. Larry then came in to the bathroom Larry:"hey dude, you doing okay?" "Yeah, yeah sorry I just started to feel sick.." "yeah that bologna smells and taste rank, come on I'll bring you to the nurse.." "y-yeah just give me a sec.." "okay, take your time, okay?" I nodded, as the door closed behind him, I wrote a small note for him and slipped it under the stall

Travis pov
After seeing a small slip of paper go under the stall I hear the bathroom door open then close. I wiped my tears trying to clear my head and grabbed the paper it was.. "his number.." I wished to my self, but why would he willingly just give me his number.. he was such a loser well, yet I was the one in the bathroom crying but and I was younger than him but why? What freaking would think- no just take it take it's just in case I as in my head as I get up and take my bag with me to the lunch room the room was filled with muttering voices people talking to there's or to staff.. but yet I felt alone in the room but from the corner of my eye I could tell a certain blue haired boy was staring at me but when I went to look back he was no longer looking I tried to ignore it as I hear the blaring sound of the obnoxious school bell sighing I pulled over my bag my shoulder as head out with the crowd.

It was by then it was time to go home, which the time it's so cold out and I had to walk almost a mile to get home, maybe the shorts wasn't as good of an idea than I thought. As I started walking home I could hear crackles of the rocks from a wheel of a car, it slow started pull up next to the side walk upon of where I stood that's when I saw that same blue haired boy that had been in the distance before.

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