The New Adventure

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Dexji looked at the others, confused.

"Uh, hi there."

He said awkwardly.

Dexji looked at everyone a bit timid.

"It's alright, kiddo."

Kite patted him on the back and smiled reassuringly.

"We're all here for the same reason, to save our worlds from destruction. So let's work together and make sure we succeed!"

The others nodded in agreement as they began discussing their plan of action. Dexji listened intently, taking in every detail about this new world he found himself in. As they prepared for their mission, he couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose that he hadn't experienced before. This was more than just proving himself; it was about saving the universe itself.

Nina looked and stared at the group, analyzing everyone strength and weaknesses.

"Well... you're not exactly a Pokemon Master yourself, are you?" she said to Dexji with a smirk. "I mean, just look at your clothes. You don't even have any proper gear for battling."

Dexji felt his cheeks burn red as he tried to defend himself.

"Hey! I may not be a Pokemon Master yet, but I'm working on it!"

"Yeah well," Nina replied sarcastically,

"if we had more time maybe you could catch up to Lilibeth before it's too late."

The others chuckled at her joke, which only made Dexji feel more embarrassed. But despite all this, he knew that he had to prove himself if he wanted to be taken seriously by these heroes from other worlds. With renewed determination, he stepped forward and offered his help in any way possible.

"I may not be the strongest or most experienced," he said,

"but I am willing to do whatever it takes to save our worlds."

The others nodded in agreement, recognizing his resolve and determination.

As they continued planning their mission, Dexji couldn't shake off the feeling that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey ahead,

however, everyone began to poke at each other with rather surprising sarcasm.

"Hey! Watch it there, Kite!" Spyro exclaimed playfully as he bumped shoulders with the cybernetic ninja.

"What? I was just making sure you didn't have any weak spots," Kite retorted, only for Nina to roll her eyes.

"Oh, please. Like any of us would fall for that,"

she scoffed.

"Besides, we all know your true strength lies in your hacking abilities."

Jak chuckled and clapped Dexji on the back.

"Don't worry about them, kiddo. We're all here together now. And who knows? Maybe after this whole thing is over, we can team up again sometime and take down Lilibeth once and for all!"

The others laughed heartily at that idea, which only made Dexji feel more at ease around them. As they continued their mission preparations, he realized that despite their occasional jabs at each other, these heroes from different worlds had formed a bond stronger than anything he could have imagined. And with that knowledge, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Nina began to reveal the plan they should follow.

"Alright, guys,"

she said, pulling up a holographic map on her wrist device.

"Our first order of business is to gather information. We're three years back in your world, which means we have to stop this event from ever happening."

She pointed at a location marked on the map with a red exclamation point.

"According to our intel, this is where the humans will conduct their experiment that leads to the creation of the rift."

Kite nodded in agreement. "And once we know what they're planning, we can figure out how to stop them without causing any paradoxes or altering history too much."

Jak chimed in excitedly.

"But before all that, let's go wild and explore this place! I've always wanted to see how things were different in other universes!"

The others laughed.

"Uh, guys?" Dexji interjected nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "You're forgetting something important."

Nina looked at him expectantly.

"And what might that be, Dexji?"

He swallowed hard before speaking up.

"Well...I don't know much about all this time travel stuff or whatever it is we're doing. But if we really are going to change the past and prevent this whole rift thing from happening, doesn't that mean I won't exist anymore once we go back to our own timeline?"

There was a momentary silence as everyone processed what he had said. Then Spyro patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.
"Don't worry about it, kid," he said with a grin. "We'll make sure you get back home safe and sound no matter what happens."

The others nodded in agreement, giving Dexji some comfort in knowing he wasn't alone in this crazy adventure.

With renewed determination, they set off towards their mission, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they continued on their journey, Kite began to analyze the environment around them. "We're in a human city," he said, scanning the area with his eyes. "But it's different from what I remember."
Jak agreed. "Yeah, this place looks more...primitive than our time. They don't have any advanced technology or flying cars."
Nina pulled up another holographic display on her wrist device. "According to our records, we are in the correct timeline and location. It seems that humanity hasn't progressed as far back then compared to how we remembered it."
They moved forward cautiously, trying not to attract too much attention from the locals who were going about their daily lives oblivious to the impending disaster three years away. Dexji kept looking over his shoulder nervously, feeling like something was off but couldn't quite put his finger on it yet.
The group eventually arrived at a large building marked on Nina's map as the location of the humans' experiment. Their hearts racing with anticipation, they stealthily made their way inside, ready for whatever lay ahead.

As they sneaked inside the building, they were met with a grandiose display showcasing various advancements in technology and science that the humans claimed would change the course of history forever. The exhibits included life like holograms of advanced robots, flying cars, and even cloning machines that could create perfect copies of living organisms.

Jak whistled in amazement at the marvels before him. "Wow! This is incredible! I never imagined humanity could come up with such groundbreaking inventions."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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