The Strangest day.

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"Beep beep beep!"

Dexji awoke to the sound of his alarm clock, his eyes fluttering open as he let out a yawn. He stretched lazily before sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As he glanced around his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

As the sun reached through the window.


Our hero reaching his hand took a good smack at the alarm clock, his boxers exposed briefly with a yawning stretch kicking the covers from off his body.

"Get up big head"

His roomate mehndi was one of his friends he was staying with.

Because Dexji had no job and no real purpose, he was pretty much useless. The only thing he had going for him was his cooking and cleaning skills. Because mehndi was so busy all the time we barely had time to do things at home. mehndi had 3 businesses and was always preparing for events to show off her new products. This gave Dexji opportunity to work for mehndi and help out. He also did most of the cleaning and cooking for free.

"Come on! You know I can't do this by myself."

When Dexji got done it was time to start his day. He would place on his hat one hand placed on the tip, and the other Snugging the back of cap firmly on his head.

Kicking the bike stand and smiling at his friend he was off,

"Don't forget. I'll be back late tonight!"

And late he would surely be. Dexji had a special feeling about this day. He was finally catching up to his rival, Lilibeth.

"Hahaha! I show you! Just you wait!"

He was so excited he didn't realize how fast he was going. All he could think about was how he was going to beat Lilibeth and then push himself past his limits and finally become the best.

When he realized he was going too fast,

"I better slow down!"

There was a dirt path coming up and a sharp turn from a cliff,

"Ohhhhhhh..... Sh!"

But as he stopped he slid,


And fell...


But at that moment right before he was at the very edge a Vortex opened and he was sucked in.


He landed on a hard cold metal floor and his hat clamped down beside him.


Dexji slowly got up.

"Awwwhhh. Where am I? Whoooah!!!"

That's when he screamed when he saw Mewtwo.

"A got to catch it!"

Mewtwo narrowed his eyes at him, then looked at Arceus.

"This the boy you want? You want me to follow him? Just look at him. Full of himself and you want to intrust this mission to him? What's this a joke?"

Mewtwo said.

"Yo, I'm sick of people talking me down. Why won't you see what I can do before you talk!"

"Tsk! Humans think they know everything yet know nothing!"

Mewtwo said.


A loud rawr emitted from Arceus.

"You talk so little of the human yet know nothing of him or why I picked him. Or have you forgotten that there's much greater things that hangs in the balance here!?"

Mewtwo settled down.


He said.

"Boy. I brought you here because something bad has happened"

Arceus said.

"I brought you because"

Mewtwo interrupted,

"Because your kind has done the unthinkable"

Arceus narrowed his eyes at mewtwo befofe continuing

"In 30 minutes, the world as you know it will be destroyed. The humans of your world in a attempt to create a pokemon God has brought power into this world that has opened riffs.

The world is becoming undone. I need you to go back im time to this brand new universe and them from doing this to themselves.

This event is gonna take place 3 years from the time I am sending you too in this world.

You will be accompanied by heroes from other worlds that has already lost there worlds and have joined here for the same purpose"

Arceus explained.

"What!? Hold on, this is a bit much!?"

Mewtwo laughed,

"Ha, he was so sure of himself just a min ago"

Mewtwo said.

"Silence. Listen boy. You have a drive and determination like no other. That will allow you to go a lot further then most heroes.

Beside him joined spyro, jak and crash along with Kite from .hack and Nina cortex.

Arceus moaned as he teleported them.


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