Town meeting

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The last stranger ventured into the ghostly town of Novus, it’s quiet streets and abandoned house speaking of a forgotten past. The faded marble walls and dilapidated structures stood as silent witnesses to the town’s deserted state. As they cautiously made their way through the eerily empty streets, the air seemed to carry the faint scent of dust and memories as they stumbled upon the once-bustling marketplace. The whispers, like a wisp of forgotten conversations, lingered in the air. The hollow echoes of their footsteps resonated through the marketplace, their gaze was drawn to a foreboding figure—the town’s tavern, its weather-worn doors, and faded marble and granite walls. The tavern stood with an air of aged grandeur, its weather-worn doors bearing the marking of countless storms, while tendrils of ivy snaked across the faded walls. The stranger’s hand hesitated on the wooden door, their gaze drawn to the clouded windows that concealed the lively sense within.

With a breath of anticipation, they pushed open the door and stepped into a world of warmth and cheer. Inside, the bustling tavern echoed with the sound of clinking glasses and heartfelt laughter. The stranger’s eyes widened in surprise at the lively scene before them, and a tentative smile tugged at the corners of their lips. The warmth of the tavern enveloped them, and a sense of belonging blossomed within as they took in the exchanges and hearty camaraderie. Across the bar, a diligent bartender amidst his tireless work, still managed to offer a genuine welcome smile.

The stranger’s steps brought them to the bar, where they were greeted by the bartender—an individual with short brown hair with copper-red strands, complemented by his piercing green eyes and a slight gap in his teeth. His sturdy apron is adorned with small pins and his pockets are filled with tools. The bartender’s warm smile welcomed them, and with a gentle gesture, they extended the menu to the stranger. The bartender chuckled warmly, the room around them seeming to glow brighter. The bartender chuckled warmly, the room around them seeming to glow brighter. “Howdy there, Stranger! My, oh my, don’t you look enchantin’ tonight? I’m Alas, ready to make your evening as delightful as you are. Have a seat,” Alas gestured to the stools in the front of the bar, inviting the stranger to take a seat. “Let’s start with a drink that matches your charm.”

With a stern voice, the stranger interrupted Alas, their eyes narrowing with determination. “I’m sorry, I’m not here for a drink,” the stranger said urgently, leaning closer. Their fingers drummed anxiously on the worn counter, and a furrow creased their brow as they learned in. “I’m looking for an old friend named Arthur Miller. Have you seen him?” The sudden urgency in the stranger’s voice caught Alas off guard, causing a ripple of concern to flicker across their face.

“Arthur? Well, firecracker, I’ve seen him!” Alas laughed nervously, glancing at the corner table where three people were engrossed in a conversation. One was a woman with a bag in hand, her eyes darting towards the exit. The second was a man eating, his hand visibly trembling as he gripped the fork. Lastly, a friendly-faced gentleman in a coat was listening intently, but his eyes were fixed on Alas. A pang of unease pricked Alas’s chest, and a nervous chuckle escaped their lips as they struggled to maintain composure. “He is in his usual spot, in the corner.”

Gratefully, the stranger uttered “Thank you, Alas,” their voice tinged with a hint of desperation. With an urgent gait, they hurried toward the table, drawn to the hushed conversation about letters in the air. Intrigued, they quickened their pace, their heart racing in anticipation.

A person at the table cleared their throat, capturing the attention of the three individuals. “Micheal! Ye finally made it,” exclaimed a plump man with a slight wheeze, his naturally bald head contrasting with his deep-set blue eyes and the gentle twinkle in them. Amused, he adjusts his spectacles and pulls out a chair next to him, inviting Michael to join them.

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