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The Nigerians would be remaining where they are standing, wait for the sun to go low and be prepared for the darkness. Because tonight, they sneak to the kingdom of Somalia, freeing all the slaves, but one at a time. People trapped in the kingdom are totally gonna beg them to save them all, without silence or be quiet for any single Somalians hearing the prisoners wail for their freedom. Anathi, Elethu and Akhona were the ones who escaped from the palace, and need to remember where their escape was kept. They escaped from a tunnel that has been blown to hell and bricked up. It could've been the only to get all the prisoners out of here, now they need to figure something else out. They're gonna have to wait until dark, before they can sneak into the kingdom without being seen by the Somalian Guards. And then they must sneak into the palace, find a way down to the dungeon, and either silence the one guarding it, holding him hostage or just kill him. Anathi did not enjoy killing anyone, and has never done anything like that in life. A person is raised to do many things, like respecting others they don't know, or even kill an animal or something dangerous. Which gives Elethu the creeps, but knew that Anathi would never do a harm to him after saving his life. The young man was not raised to kill anything or anyone to become something like a hunter. He was raised to become a royal prince and a sole king to the throne of Nigeria. They'll just do what they have to do, while reaching to the dungeon. Anathi just wanna get all these people out of here. And worse, he wants to get out of here as well. The sun was getting low, and they are ready to sneak into Somalia. It was quiet in the Somalian Kingdom, and guards were everywhere seen with fire to light the way. Nigerians have been avoiding them, hiding behind walls. Sahel knocks few of them out, to buy enough time, so it's safe to reach into the palace. However, the gates were shown to be shut down, and presumably locked up. Anathi had an idea, that they will disguise themselves as Somalian Guards. But Elethu must stay outside, because he was a panther, and could be recognized by anyone in the kingdom. Akhona decide stay as well, because all the guards are shown to be males. Anathi asked them to be safe, and not leave their sides of safety. Anathi and Sahel made it inside the palace for being let in by the guards inside, but thought one of them looked very familiar, and thought about reporting this to King Tariku and Captain Kirabo. Anathi remembers where he was escorted once, and had him fellow Nigerians follow him to the right way of the deep dungeon. Which gives him a flashback of how he was brought down here, and it was very dark and threatening. Sahel just told him to forget about it, and think how the people would have been brought down here. No one was guarding the prisoners, and the keys were left on a hook. After unlocking the doors, Anathi revealed himself to the prisoners as the prince of Nigeria, and was here to get them out of here. But meanwhile, Kirabo was interfered with one of his men about one of the guards looking familiar to someone that they've seen before. Kirabo realized that there were Nigerians in the kingdom, and must tell the king about it. Anathi and Sahel made sure everyone were out from the dungeon, and could now get out of here.

Even when real guards of Somalia spotted others in disguise without notice them as Nigerians, he wanted to know what they're doing with the prisoners. Must never know that they are helping them to escape, so Sahel lies that the king wants to see all of them. But the guard was confused about why he would want to see them in a middle of the night. But Sahel told him that he should respect his words, like he does with his captain and king. So the guard nods, and lets them go. But the other two guards were still keeping the gates out, and wondering what a disguised Anathi and Sahel were doing with the prisoners. While they were planning to explain, they just knocked them out, and the other guard who let them go was spying on them, and learned they were traitors. When he warns the king that two traitors are helping the prisoners escape, Tariku and Kirabo knew that they were Nigerians. When the king lifts the eye of Bongani, he decide to use sorcery to spoil the enemy's plan from leaving the kingdom. After making it outside, they removed their outfits, and had leave right now. But something very strange was about to happen. A giant wall was raised from the ground. And all the guards of Somalia have surrounded them. It was Tariku who used his sorcery to trap the Nigerians in his kingdom. He said he was surprised that his most hated nationality dresses like one of his people. And knew he had to raise a wall to avoid them from leaving. The Nigerians feared like their dark past in the wrong kingdom has become the present, but Anathi stood up to Tariku, telling him that he has to go through him, if he wants all the people that he kidnapped back. But Tariku revealed that he never left his kingdom. He just had all the people brought to him, making the king of Somalia the real kidnapper. And if Anathi wanted to challenge him, Tariku offered him to be a guest of his house. However, the prince of Nigeria didn't have any magic, but the king of Somalia had. Tariku overpowers Anathi, and could remember the time he was in his mother's stomach. Not yet born, but nearly died in the hand of Somalia. Tariku has waited for this in a long time, and was ready to finally assassinate Anathi. But Gamada has been watching over his friends with a vision this whole time. He was terrified and worried that Anathi was about to be killed Tariku, and had to do something to safe his life. Instead of overpowering Tariku or put him down like last time, Gamada decided to send the prince somewhere safe. Thinking to bring him and everyone back home, but it was very hard to use his mind, until Gamada collapses on the floor, and Anathi vanishes. No one knew what happened, but everyone thought that Anathi was killed. Much to the shock and horror of the Nigerians, they fought their way out of here, but not everyone could make it alive. Only Sahel, Akhona and Elethu could escape the kingdom, but thought did something terrible. Leaving other Nigerians and the villagers behind. It was too late of going back in, and they had to return to Nigeria, bringing sad news to their rulers.

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