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      Her eyes flew open and she blinked rapidly at the bright  sun that shone at her, she sat up feeling a bit weak and weird. Strange even. She could hear the birds chirping, cooing, screaming, chanting and chattering.
               With her eyes confusingly surveying her beautiful surrounding, she stood, her legs were weak and she fell back to the ground, that was when she looked to see herself dressed in a white sparkling short flared flowered gown.

             Her brows creased as she slid her fingers over the strapless gown, it was beautiful, charming even. Then it strucked her, she doesn't paint her nails, but now, they were craftifully painted white,glittering at the impact of the sun. She felt something around her neck and her fingers trailed to her neck, lowering her eyes to take a look, it was a pretty white pearl necklace, her eyes landed on her feet and surprisingly it was tucked in a gorgeous pair of white flats.

          'where am I?' she muttered as she manged to stand again, restraining herself from falling. She swiveled, gazing at the beautiful surroundings, there were millions of strange flowers of different species, trees bearing fruits that looked bizarre yet yummy, fruits that doesn't exist in the world she came from.

           There was a loud quack and she swiveled again, she sighted a lake like a  hundred feets away hosting a couple of beautiful white ducks, her eyes trailed to the sky, it was bright blue and the sun was blazing  yet it had no heat impact.
            A pretty gold and black  butterfly flew past her, catching her attention, her eyes followed it and it landed on a flower. A fluttering sound behind her distracted her from the butterfly and see turned her neck to look behind her... Her eyes widened and her heart beat increased rapidly, her breathing became audible and she tried to hold back a loud scream.
              Behind her, attached to her back were wings, beautiful glittering white wings with amazing patterns on it.

           'what... Wha...what?!' she looked around to at least find someone that'll give her the answers or perhaps explanations that she needs.
               'or...' her frown deepened '... Am I In heaven?'  immediately she said that, there was a loud thunderclap followed by multiple lightnings and the  sky slowly began to darken.

                  'help us!' a voice startled her, she turned and saw a girl. No. A fairy! Yes a female fairy, She was in all pink, her dress, necklace, wrist band that was barely holding onto her left wrist, cute shoes and wings, all pink!
              She was running towards her, short of breath, her pink Bob hair was a mess and her wings were fallen like they were to weak to elevate her into the air, she was just few feets from Deborah and,

             'wake up! Wake up! Wake up! It's morning!'

       Deborah jolted up and hit her alarm off, her eyes widened, her heart racing and breath gushing in and out her nostrils rapidly at the rhythm of her heart beat and the heaving of her chest.
            She looked behind her, no wings, she looked down at her dress, still her Grey night wear, she looked at her feet, bare, at her neck, also bare, at her fingers, not painted!

             'it was a dream? It was a dream!' she muttered as her heart slowed down, her body slipping into calmness, but a look of uttermost confusion still hitched on her pretty face.

        She reluctantly got off her bed, did a short prayer and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

             Now beautifully dressed in a yellow flare dress, she put on a lemon cashmere sweater to shield her from the mild cold wind. She slipped her feet into her favorite white sneakers, walked to the medium sized mirror hung on the wall. She took two hair bands and packed her full curls high into two, put some lip gloss on her full lips and wore some perfume. Breathing in deeply, for a while forgetting the nightmarish fantasy she woke up from, she picked her school bag and walked out of her room.

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