Chapter 1

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Bronto stood at the sidelines in the Fighting Pit. The orange, juvenile brontosaurus was watching his Grandpa Gilbert and an Ankylosaurus facing each other, panting. Both were covered in fresh battle wounds.

Bronto crouched, making small bounces left and right. His face was beaming with excitement. "Come on, Grandpa!"

He jumped back as Grandpa Gilbert's tail whipped against the Ankylosaurus, knocking it over.

"Yes!" Bronto cheered. "Grandpa Gilbert, you're the best Saurus Warrior in the herd!"

Moments later, Bronto stood beside Grandpa Gilbert and Grandma Gertrude outside the Fighting Pit. They were gazing across the sunset horizon while the bellows of fighting dinos sounded behind them.

Bronto looked up at his grandparents, his eyes wide. "Agh! Grandpa Gilbert, Grandma Gertrude, I still can't believe you guys are retiring from being Saurus Warriors! You guys are the strongest Warriors in our herd!"

"Don't worry, Bronto," said Grandpa Gilbert in a steady voice. "I have won my fair share of battles for a long time now, and enough is enough..."

Grandma Gertrude was nodding. "Your Grandpa and I have been against the idea of Saurus Battle Days from the beginning. Fighting is no way to resolve the population issues in Saurotopia."

Bronto gave a loud sigh. "Yeahhhhhh. I never wanted the herds to separate either. I miss hanging out with Celia, Agnes, and Quinn!" He grimaced. "The only time we get to hang out is when the herds get together for these battle days. Meh.....lame." His smile returned and he began bouncing on his feet. "But hey! At least our herds haven't had to fight one another– dad's been an awesome Herd Leader and he's never challenged other herds or claimed any of their lands!" His smile faltered and his bouncing stopped. "Agh! But that also means I haven't been able to visit Celia, Agnes, and Quinn in their territories! I mean, sometimes the Triceratops will challenge us and win, and I get to see Agnes, which is cool, but–"

His reflective rambling was interrupted by the sound of a loud bellow from his father, Boris. Bronto quickly whirled around, eyes wide as he gazed back at the Fighting Pit. Herd Leader Boris and some of his Sauropod Saurus Warriors were fighting against the Pachycephalosaurus Saurus Warriors.

Soon, Bronto was back in the Fighting Pit, cheering as his father and the other Sauropods of their herd knocked off the last of the Pachycephalosauruses. Their Sauropod Herd won another Saurus Battle.

Then Bronto cheered even louder as Boris and the other Sauropod Saurus Warriors battled the Triceratops in another Saurus Battle. It was a more difficult, more gruesome fight– the Triceratops charged at the Sauropods, stabbing them with their horns, while the Sauropods rammed their large bodies and tails against the three-horned opponents.

Finally, Herd Leader Boris and Herd Leader Tridenton faced each other, panting. Many Triceratops Saurus Warrriors were lying around, wounded and groaning in defeat.

Bronto jumped up with joy. "Woo-hoo! Another victory against the Triceratops!" His elated smile turned into a look of sadness again. "Awwwww, craaap. Which means I won't be seeing Agnes in Sauropod Territory this month."

He arched his neck around, trying to spot any sign of Agnes in the crowd of Triceratops watching from the sidelines.

Then his face lit up as he saw Boris emerging from the crowd. The Sauropod Herd leader was facing him with a calm but determined smile.

"Hey there, son," said Boris.

"Hey, dad! Congrats on your win — those mangy Triceratops may have won more battles than any herd in Saurotopia, but they'll never beat us!"

Primordial and Beyond: Prequel #2 (Battle of the Survivors)Where stories live. Discover now