Chapter 8

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Bronto spent the next day training with Boris. Every now and then, he would glance over his shoulder to see Sally smiling at Riley. She giggled as Riley trained with the older Saurus Warriors, dodging the rocks that they rolled his way.

"Go Riley! You're so brave and strong!" Called Sally.

Bronto glared at Riley as the brown Sauropod strutted around with his head high and a cocky sideways smile, winking in Sally's direction.

While Bronto fixed an infuriated glare at Riley, he was oblivious to another Sauropod who was fixing him with an even fiercer glare.

Killian spent another moment glowering at his adopted brother, then turned to see his training opponent rolling a boulder his way. Killian gave an extremely forceful tail-whip, sending the boulder zooming across the land and hitting against many trees.

Many Saurorpods turned to gasp as they saw the boulder bumping against the trees, making them fall over. The boulder finally crashed against a cliff wall, resulting in an avalanche of rocks. Some Sauropods in the fields turned to flee from the rocks.

Killian gave a determined smile as he whipped at all the rocks coming his way, sending them crashing against more trees.

However, Killian wasn't the only dinosaur sending rocks scattering.

In Triceratops Territory, Agnes jabbed her horns into a rock, breathing heavily with a look of rage on her face. She turned to see Binky crashing his horns into many rocks of different sizes and shapes.

Agnes's nostrils flared. She turned and zoomed across the field, ramming her head against numerous rocks, trees, and any obstacle in her way. The obstacles flew in all directions. Many of the training Triceratops Saurus Warriors around her grunted and jumped back.

Then Agnes and Binky charged toward each other, their horns lowered– Binky sent Agnes rolling aside as soon as their horns clashed.

Agnes instantly rolled up to her feet, bellowing as she charged at Binky again. Their horns clashed again.

A few days passed, and Agnes's horns clashed against the side of a juvenile Sauropod in the Fighting Pit.

It was the next Saurus Battle Day, and the Triceratops were battling the Sauropods once again.

Meanwhile, the Hypsilophodons and Pachycephalosauruses were walking away from the Fighting Pit, looking exhausted after having lost to the Sauropods. Damian looked over his shoulder, looking angry and bitter. "Stupid Sauropods....I hope the Triceratops crush them."

Sally was running away from all the Triceratops, staying by Riley's side, trying to hide behind him. Riley was constantly getting tackled and jabbed by all the Triceratops– it wasn't long until he was covered in nasty gashes and bruises.

Riley fell to his side after another Triceratops headbutted him.

Sally nudged him, looking frantic. "Riley, get up! I'm gonna get hurt!"

Riley groaned, struggling to get up, only to fall back on his side.

Sally screamed and ran off, leaving Riley as a Triceratops charged at them.

A short distance away, Bronto was knocking off numerous Triceratops warriors, while Agnes jabbed her horns against many Sauropods.

Quinn was watching from the sidelines, his teeth clenched and his face full of nervousness as he watched the battle between his friends' herds.

Then his gaze shifted to see Killian locked in a fight with Trianna. The younger, light-green Triceratops was racing after the Sauropod– Killian was luring her to a boulder.

Killian whipped his tail against the boulder, sending the boulder zooming across to the rocky walls of the Fighting Pit. The boulder banged against the walls, causing a small avalanche.

Trianna skidded to a halt, her eyes wide with horror. In a split second, she was buried under the rockfall.

More rocks continued to fall– Killian was whipping his tail against them, flinging them against the other Triceratops Saurus Warriors.

Tridenton knocked over his Sauropod opponent, then widened his eyes as he noticed many of his Saurus Warriors– both juveniles and adults– were groaning in pain, fleeing as they were hit by Killian's rocks. Soon, all the Triceratops warriors were lying on their sides, groaning. The only Triceratops standing were Tridenton, Binky, and Agnes.

"What is this?!" Yowled Tridenton, stomping over to one of his fallen warriors. "Get up!" He used his crested head to give a sharp nudge to the Triceratops' back, as if to scoop him up. The warrior tried to rise to his feet, only to fall back down again. "COME ON! GET UP!" Demanded Tridenton. "We cannot lose against the Sauropods again!"

Boris limped over to the Triceratops Herd Leader, panting and covered in bruises and gashes. "Tridenton, your herd is in no shape to fight. It's just you and me now."

Tridenton looked up and saw Binky and Agnes hit by Killian's rocks– they both bellowed in pain and fell to their sides.

Tridenton hurried past Boris, his nostrils flaring. "Agnes! Get up!" He stopped in front of her, his eyes wild with rage. "Agnes, you will not admit defeat! GET UP!"

Agnes groaned, trembling as she lifted her head. "Dad, I can't...I'm sorry..."

"Agnes, as my daughter, you are expected to fight your hardest! Now come on! On your feet!"

Tridenton lowered his head, about to give her a harsh, scooping shove with his crested head. Then he paused as he heard a muffled cry.

Tridenton turned to the pile of rocks beside him and saw Trianna's tail hanging out. Her tail twitched and the pile shook, causing a few rocks to fall and reveal her bloody, gashed body.

Tridenton raised his head, his eyes wide.

Martha was racing over. "Trianna? Oh, my poor sweet baby!" The green Triceratops nudged more of the rocks and watched Trianna weakly open her eyes. "Oh thank goodness you're still alive...both of you!" She turned to Agnes, gently helping her other daughter steady on her feet. Then Martha turned to give Tridenton a fierce glare. "How could you be so ruthless to our own daughters? Trianna was nearly killed!"

Tridenton just stared at his mate, looking taken aback. He shifted his blank gaze to his wounded daughters, then turned to the rest of his fallen herd. His voice was curt and expressionless. "Everyone...let's get back to Triceratops Territory."

Tridenton, Martha, Trianna, and Agnes made their way through the Pit, passing Bronto.

Bronto watched with surprised eyes as they passed. He turned to Agnes, who was trailing at the back, scowling at the ground with clenched teeth.

"Oh shoot..." Bronto paced up to her. "Agnes, is Trianna going to be alright?"

Agnes whipped her horns at him, almost slicing them across his neck. She gave him a fierce glare. "She will be fine. No thanks to your stupid brother."

Bronto held back a gasp. He said nothing as Agnes resumed walking, keeping a seething glare on him, until she disappeared into the crowd of her herd. 

Primordial and Beyond: Prequel #2 (Battle of the Survivors)Where stories live. Discover now