Chapter 5

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All weekend I thought about the Trenton guy I met at the homecoming dance. I honestly couldn't wait until Monday to look for him at school. I couldn't get him out of my mind. He was so handsome, he was tall, dark hair and those eyes that lite up when he smiled.

Monday came, finally. All throughout the day I looked around for him, I couldn't find him anywhere. (Come on, with a school as small as ours you would think that I could find him easily, well I guess we both thought wrong). Cassidy could tell something was distracting me, and by the time lunch came around and we were along at our lunch table she finally decided to speak up.

"Spill." I looked at her confused,

"Spill what?" she raised an eyebrow at me and shook her head,

"You've been distracted all day, something is on your mind. Tell me." I blushed slightly because I didn't want to tell her I was looking for him. She smirked and looked at me,

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" I blushed even more and nod.

"I can't get him out of my head Cassidy, he was so... intriguing."

"Intriguing, that's the word you use to describe him?" She looks at me with a raised eyebrow, giving me the look of "really?"

"What? He was.." I bit my lip and shook my head, "Whatever, I guess it just wasn't meant to be." She sighed and rolled her eyes,

"Would you stop that? The day hasn't even ended yet. I'm sure he's around here somewhere, you just need to look harder." She smirked because she new she was right.

"Fine." The bell rang for lunch to end, and the whole lunch room got up at once to get to their classes, including us. I sigh looking around as I head to my next class.

School ended and I met Cassidy at her car, my art teacher handed us a slip of paper saying that all the arts department was going on a field trip next week.

"What's that?" She asked seeing the permission slip in my hand for the field trip.

"The arts department is going on a field trip next week, it's a permission slip for my parents." Cassidy frowned because she wasn't in any arts, but her frown quickly went to a smile (I guess she remembered something).

"Elena! Guess what?!" She asked excitedly. I giggled at her change of mood, and asked,

"What?!" Her smile widened even more.

"You know that Shane guy I met at the dance?" I thought back, remembering, and nodded,

"Yes, what about him?" She giggles once more and said,

"Well.... we've been talking and decided to go on a little ice cream date after school!!!" I giggled and shook my head,

"You are so goofy sometimes, but yay!!!!!" I was never into the whole idea of being in a relationship, unless it was a fictional character from a book, but I don't think that counts. I was very happy for her, she hadn't had a boyfriend since middle school, but I don't think that counts either.

Later she dropped me off at my house. promising me she would tell me all about her and Shane's ice cream "date." I walked inside my house, noticing my parents weren't home yet. I left my permission slip on the counter for them to sign and walked upstairs to my room and started on my homework.


The day of the field trip had arrived. I turned my permission slip to Mrs. Branson as I got on the bus and looked around at the kids that were seated here already. I was pretty early, so there weren't many. We had two busses for our field trip, because all of the arts were going, including the creative writing class. After an hour we were on our way to downtown Detroit where our field trip would be located. We were going to an art museum with parks nearby in Detroit. I was excited, I rarely got to see Detroit even though I don't live far. All of us talked until we pulled up to the museum and everyone started shuffling off the bus to the entrance. Once we were inside we followed the tour guide around explaining almost every art piece. One's I found interesting I stopped and read about on the podium that was in front of the art piece. I stopped at a painting which caught my eye, and I didn't get enough information from the tourist, I walked out of the group and over to it. When I was in the middle of reading I felt someone stand behind me. I turned around and looked up to see the boy I have been looking for, for almost two weeks. He smiles down at me,

"Hey Elena." I smile back, looking up at him, mesmerized.

"Hi... Trenton."

Hello lovies!!!! I hope you liked this chapter!! I'm really excited about this book!! I will update my other book "The Boy Next Door" soon, so don't worry!! Tell me what you think!! Or what you think is going to/ or you want to happen!! I hope you're having a wonderful day or night and I love you! Thank you for reading my story!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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