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The brunette Latina gave a mere glance at her bare body in the bathroom mirror and gagged.

The bruises from last night and the last three before were so very obvious that even a blind individual could see them as grueling marks with more clarity than Victoria herself.

Clarity was indeed a sense she never had, it wasn't a surprise after all. After all the years of beating herself down, she'd just gotten used to it. Sad as it is...

The lukewarm rainfall above her head caused everywhere to burn. Her thoughts were compiled and she was almost left unable to think of what was next. The shower, to most people anyway was intended to be calming, therapeutic even...

Victoria begs to differ.

She decided to scrub her body vigorously, her actions practically screaming for a cleanse from the night before. The night, in which Victoria drank all the Merlot she could, not a regret in her thoughts until now. Now, when she was so bruised, that she had decided to abandon her normal routine of shaving her legs, leaving them prickly.

If anything, the burning would intensify if she shaved. She thought of that fact, then shook her head as she came to her senses. "We are Done hurting ourself." She told herself with as much assurance as she could.

"Babe, I'm gonna head out!" A bang came from the bathroom door as her foot met the mat, stepping outside of the shower and her alerting senses snapped awake. A towel wrapped around her waist, she walked out into her cluttered and dark bedroom after making sure he was gone and that there was no sound whatsoever.

The guy, Alex which she has had at least ten hookups with (She was so drunk or high half the time, she couldn't really know) was her least favorite human, surprisingly. Well, not necessarily "surprisingly" when you count that he got her pregnant on MULTIPLE occasions...

What was surprising was the fact she kept crawling back to him for a good fuck... or to fill the gap in her life that she always feels is there...

The sun was barely peaking through the horizon when Victoria had finally made it to her car. She needed a clarity of some sort, so she drove to a place that she had not visited in years.

The Hollywood sign shone brightly, almost blinding Victoria. As the sun rose in the sky, she parked, laid down a towel, and looked down at the waking city of Los Angeles before her eyes.


"J- Jade! Stop!" Victoria giggled relentlessly as Jade had been tickling her non stop for the last ten minutes.

"I thought you liked being tickled!? Oh, well! Guess you have to pay the price for leaving me!" Jade laughed as she tickled the younger girl, not actually mad at her, she just wanted to mess around.

"I didn't leave you! I- I went to the bathroom!"

"Tough tooties!"

Tori grabbed hold of Jade's hands and lifted the both of them the other way around so that Jade was now underneath Victoria, who was straddling her.

"Hey! No fair!"

Tori laughed. "Yo- you just said "tough tooties"?!" Tori's nose scrunched up as she tried to hide a smile. "Yea, I did! Cat got that shit stuck in my head!" Jade beamed with a rather large grin that she never dared to show anyone but Tori.

The two girls readjusted themselves on the plaid blanket. Tori sat with her legs intertwined with Jade's as they sat facing each other. Tori gave a small smile at the girl she loved most in the whole world. Jade gave her a knowing grin because, unbeknownst to the Latina, Tori's shirt was tousled so much that her left breast was visible to the naked eye.

Jade's blazing arctic eyes travel down the younger girl's chest, not going unnoticed by the Latina.

"Jade? My eyes are up here..." Tori trailed off as she slowly looked down in a bout of temporary insecurity. Her eyes widened as she immediately fixed her loose shirt, cursing herself internally for not wearing a bra.

Jade began crawl closer to Tori as the younger girl blushed profusely.

Jade picked the girl's head up with the tip of her pointer finger, forcing Tori to look up at her.

"Hey." Jade searched Tori's brown, glossy eyes with utter admiration.

"Hey..." Tori breathlessly whispered back, feeling as though the ability to speak was whisked away from her.


Victoria sucked in a deep breath...

What had she done? Her life was in the most peril it had ever been in... Yet, here she was reminiscing on the past... a past that interchangeably and constantly haunts her.


"Hey! It's been a while, I know 😅... I was facing countless amounts of writers block this past pretty much year and a half? Sorry guys...

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