Room to grow

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The years were starting to pass. Laeryn was now almost 4 years old and his mother Laena was expecting again. Twins, twin girls the Maesters predicted.

Laena's parents, Lord Corlys Velaryon and The Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, had travelled to Pentos during the last few weeks of Laena's pregnancy, to help her and Daemon out with the twins once the time came.

The night Laena went into labour, Corlys knew that his daughter had more than enough people helping her, so he decided to step out of the room and take some time to himself.

He decided to go find his Grandson, as Laeryn was still so young and probably didn't truly understand why there was all the excitement tonight.

Corlys quietly entered his grandson's chambers to find Laeryn sitting on the big reading chair, holding a book, seemingly like he was waiting for something.

Laeryn isn't the most attentive boy, so he wasn't aware Corlys had entered the room at first, but when he did, the little boy's eyes lit up. "Grandpa!" his little legs wiggled excitedly.

Corlys smiled softly as his grandson called out to him. "Hello there, little one," he greeted warmly. "What are you doing all by yourself in this big chair? Why aren't you in bed yet? Are you waiting for something?" He chuckled.

Laeryn stood up on the chair as his grandfather came closer. "I'm waiting for mommy and daddy, they help me with my bedtime routine" The four year old pointed out. "They read me a story and then help me with my bath and pyjamas"

Corlys sighed and smiled "Oh, you sweet thing." He chuckled, moving to stand before the boy. "I'm afraid your parents are busy, as everyone is helping your mother right now, so it seems like they won't be able to read to you tonight. But Grandpa is here, so maybe he can read to you instead?"

He knelt down beside the chair, looking up into Laeryn's eyes. "Would you like that?"

Laeryn seemed confused but then nodded, the four year old obviously didn't understand what was happening, but that's alright.

"Wonderful." Corlys said warmly as he gently pulled Laeryn from the chair. He settled the boy on his lap, smiling as he wrapped his arms snuggly around him. "Now you have a more comfortable place to listen," he told Laeryn.

"What were you reading before? Why don't we start with that book?"

"Mommy and daddy read this one to me" Laeryn said as he snuggled up with his grandfather.

"So this is a special book," Corlys said happily. "That's even better" He pulled Laeryn closer, adjusting the boy on top of his lap. "Now, what's this book called?" He asked curiously.

"A Little Book of Sea Monsters!" The boy announced happily, snuggling closer to Corlys.

"Wonderful," Corlys said warmly. "That sounds perfect." He reached over to the table beside the chair and grabbed a candle, lighting it before settling himself in the chair.

Now he held his grandson close, his own warmth flowing into the boy. And as he looked down at Laeryn, reading to him from this special book, the man suddenly felt the heaviness of life slip away.

A little while later, as Corlys was running his fingers through Laeryn's soft curls, Laeryn looked up at him.
"Grandpa? Why didn't mommy and daddy say goodnight to me? They always say goodnight to me"

Corlys's heart wrenched at the question, hearing the tiny boy worry about something he couldn't understand. "I know," Corlys replied softly, running his fingers through Laeryn's curls. "They probably wanted to give you a proper kiss and hug goodnight like they always do, but your mummy is just busy."

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