Ladies Woman 2

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Vi!!!, Dee now begging me to take my hands off her and letting her go. Okay, just one kiss and that's it!

Yup. You can kiss me now!, Vi said smiling. Dee said, No, I can't, you should be the one to do it!

Okay, then. I pulled Dee closer and lifted her small body so I can reach her mouth. I was about to kiss her when Dee laughed and I looked at her seriously which made her stop to look me in the eye. I moved my head and cupped her small brown face, then, gave her a slight kiss on the lips. I liked it and it's like a tiny spark ignited something inside me that I pulled her head for me to sumptuously savor her mouth. Dee kissed me back and we stayed lips intertwined for a couple of minutes but when I was reaching for Dee's chest and breast to touch it, she broke off from my embrace, looked at me angrily and left me lying on my undergarments, unsatisfied, on my bathroom floor.

Dee...I'm sor...!!! Ahhh, you and your libido Vilania Viviane! Grrrhhh!!!, I told myself so disappointed at how things went between Dee and I at my bathroom. I touched my lips and Dee has the cutest, sweetest and softest lips ever. She smelled so nice that I didn't want to let her go after falling on top of me.

Dee ran out of the bathroom, stopped for a minute and stayed standing near Vi's bathroom door. She couldn't think or feel straight because this is the first time she has ever felt so light in her entire life. She couldn't explain why her heart was beating hard and fast while she was kissing Vi. Ahhh...!!!, Dee is starting to think that Vi really planned this to happen. Vi is a businesswoman and she had been with a lot of women, so she knows what she wants and knows when she had enough of someone. Dee felt she is trapped from being indebted to Vi since she helped her and her family, and now this. Vi is using me as her toy, I won't let her do that, never again!, Dee told herself and decided to walk away from the bathroom. But felt she needed to look at Vi one more time and check if the woman is just playing with her feelings. Dee tiptoed to look at the mini glass opening of the bathroom door. Vi is still on the floor touching her lips and smiling.

Dee couldn't figure out whether Vi has lost it or she is just like this with girls. And I am one of the many, she will not end up with in bed, ever, Dee promised herself and pledged not to look at Vi's mesmerizing eyes and sexy bod, beautiful face and skin so smooth to touch......Dee stopped thinking and just walked right through her room and dropped her tired body and mind to rest. Due to the nerve wracking and heart quenching even that happened earlier, Vi didn't wake Dee up. It's a weekend anyway, we can just stay at home and watch a movie or something. One of her marketer just called me that we closed a deal in the Netherlands and I just need to visit one of my properties there so the client would get a hold of the deed and papers by the end of the month. I called Frank to ready the private plane for we're off to Amsterdam in a couple of weeks. I want Dee to come with us. I know she'll love the place, and it's the first time she'll be flying with me. I can't wait to tell her this news.

No..I won't go with you!, Dee retaliated while toasting bread for breakfast the next day. Why are you being difficult. I am your boss and I shouldn't be asking you twice about this issue, I replied putting the toasted breads on the plates as I set up the table in front of my 74 inch 3D television. Aia controls everything as I have said before, along with my appliances at home. After the stunt you did yesterday, I wouldn't go with you even in the bathroom, Dee added angrily. Alright, I'm sorry. I won't do anything that you wouldn't want me do with you! Promise! I am a woman of my word and I don't lie. Besides, Amsterdam is going to be fun. You'll love it. Come on!!! Please, Dee, please, please, please!!!!!

Okey! If you ever touch or kiss me or take advances on me again, I'll slap you or kick your shin, and I's serious!, Dee said looking at me without a blink. Yes, thank you!, I replied almost losing my poise as a boss but just smiled smiles like they never go away. And I kept smiling even in the bathroom or when I am watching movies with Dee. She keeps smiling and moving her head sideways as if thinking that I'm going insane or what. But I am really flipping, I wanted Dee with me in the business meeting and I am happy indeed, so much that I couldn't sleep in days even before the actual date for us to leave New York for Netherlands. It'll be a long flight. My staff are all applauding when Dee and I visited the office, since we closed one of our oldest clients from a deal we've been working on or for many years now. And it's finally happened. I am the happiest since we got the client and I got Dee to come with me on the trip. I think I liked the latter reason better than the first.

Amsterdam here we go!!!!, my thought celebrating while seated on my office swivel chair. Dee was watching the news and I couldn't hear our reception area television which is about 56 inch. I can only see the screen and when I saw one photo of a convict that already out a couple of days ago since served his time in prison. I panicked. It is X, the guy who tried to rape me when they robbed me inside my own car. I was so thankful that my friends helped and saved me that unfortunate night in the darkest part of my life and of NYC.

I tried to check the vid on my laptop and confirmed that it is indeed X. That creep, he is a bit older but still looking bad as hell. He has tattoos on his arms and chest now. For many years I have feared him but now I am ready to face him, anytime, anywhere. I can feel that he is still crazy mad at me for going and spending half of his life in prison. I think if he can kill me he would. So I ordered Frank to place more guards at the office and at home. Especially now, that Dee lives with me at the moment. We can never be too sure or safe. However, the new guards will be sent by the agency in a couple of weeks since I asked for four new ones.

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