Chapter 1

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A streak of sunlight shone through the billowy clouds in the sky, lighting the path for five leaf-eating dinosaurs. They were on their way back to Saurotopia, carrying leaf-woven bundles full of seawater fish.

Bronto, an orange Brontosaurus, was at the front, with Celia, a lavender Parasaurolophus, and Quinn, a white Quetzalcoatlus, behind him. On either side of the group were Zona, a silver-gray Triceratops, and Angie, a tan Iguanodon– two Flesheater Assassins who had been assigned to guard them from wild Flesheaters.

Bronto's face was full of eagerness as he noticed the rocky Borderland Walls surrounding Saurotopia in the distance. The orange Sauropod set his bundle of fish on his back and arched his neck up, gazing ahead. "We're almost home. We'll definitely make it back before sunset!"

He turned to grab his bundle of fish, but a gust of wind blew it off his back. They landed on the ground—one fell into a small hole.

Bronto's eyes grew wide with alarm. "Gahaaaa!" He quickly swerved his neck around, attempting to stick his snout in the hole, but steam and some mud shot out—the mud and the fish splattered against his face. "Buaaaaahaa!" He jerked his head up and the fish flung off his face, zooming up then arching down.

Celia gave an airy laugh as she grabbed the muddy fish. She gathered his other fish on the ground and put them in his bundle. "Don't worry, Bronto," she murmured in her soft voice. "The Flesheaters actually love them when they're muddy!" She grabbed the fish off his face and put it in his bundle.

Bronto's eager smile returned and he shook the mud off his face. "Thank the power beyond nature! This is the fifth time I've dropped my bundle—at least this time, it didn't fall into a dumping-hole!" He took the bundle from Celia's hand and continued strolling.

Quinn hovered above them, carrying his own bundle in his talons. The Quetzalcoatlus gazed at the bundle with scrutinizing eyes. "Though, there would have been no health hazard if you did," he remarked. "The leaves of these bundles have a sanitizing effect. And they have some water-soluble contents—the fish shall be absorbing some extra nutrients that may benefit the Flesheaters."

Celia gave a dreamy smile. "I knew there was something valuable about these leaves when I chose to make these bundles with them....not to mention, they also made the bundles sturdier than last time." She held her bundle against her chest, her dreamy eyes staring ahead. "How wonderful that we'll now have fish in both greater numbers and greater value for all the new Flesheaters in Saurotopia!"

They continued their journey, and soon, they approached the opening in Saurotopia's surrounding rocky walls. Bronto felt his heart lift as he saw his mate, Zara, standing guard at the opening. The dark-brown Brontosaurus was accompanied by one of her Flesheater Assassins— a bulky-armed Pachycephalosaurus named Gordon.

Then Bronto raised his eyebrows. He noticed Zara and Gordon were crouching with their heads lowered, looking like they were ready to leap and attack. He followed their gazes and saw that they were eying a wild Flesheater—an Allosaurus who was several yards to their right. The wild Flesheater was pacing back at forth, while keeping his ferocious scowl on them.

Bronto gasped. He widened his eyes at the scene. Oh, flying Sauropods! Another Flesheater trying break into Saurotopia without agreeing to the dino-free diet!

Bronto turned to the two Flesheater Assassins with his group. Zona stood on the left side of their group, with a calm smile on her face. Angie was lying on her back, holding up her bundle of fish and watching it sway back and forth. The skinny Assassin Iguanodon had a sleepy look on her face and was occasionally murmuring to herself.

Primordial and Beyond #1: The Divided OnesWhere stories live. Discover now