Chapter 5

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It was morning, and Bronto was making his way over to the Borderland Walls of Saurotopia, carrying the blood-stained nest on his back. His mind was noisy with frenzied thoughts. Freakin' dino-droppings! Who could've done this? Did Velina slip past Ebenezer that easily? What if it wasn't Velina and just an innocent dino who lost control? Crud– that could make Zara ban all Flesheaters from coming in!

He saw that Zara was not in her usual guarding spot by the opening, but was a short distance to the right, where the Confinement Territory was. The majestic female Sauropod was standing at its borders, shouting over a pack of Velociraptors as they strutted into the territory.

"Alright!" Zara's commanding voice grew louder as Bronto neared her. "Ya'll are gonna spend at least two weeks in this territory! Not only do I need to sense that your flesh-cravings are under better control, but I also gotta trust that ya'll won't stir up anymore mischief in this land! If you can surprise me, I'll let you resume your Trial Periods, but if not, get ready to make this place your new home!"

Bronto laughed. He sure would look forward to the day Velina would be trustworthy, if that day ever came. He stopped beside his mate and waited until she was ready to stop shouting.

"And no funny business!" Zara gave a determined smile over the Velociraptors. "There will be Assassins guarding the borders of this Confinement Territory, so don't bother trying to sneak your little butts outta here—hey!" She banged her tail. "Archie! Dartclaw! I saw that! No throwing rocks at passing dinos!"

Bronto noticed two brown male Velociraptors were holding sharply-bladed rocks, looking ready to hurl them at an Iguanodon that was walking past the Confinement Territory's borders.

At Zara's command, the two Velociraptors whirled around and hissed sharply at her.

Zara gave her loud laugh. "Hah! I don't care if you weren't going to actually strike the dino— you are not to touch any Leafeater, and you are not to scare any Leafeater!"

Archie and Dartclaw threw their rocks to the ground and scurried away, scowling with disappointment.

Bronto walked up to Zara. "Heh!" He watched as the raptors ventured into the territory, "It's clear that Velina's raptors have not made progress with suppressing their flesh-eating impulses. They can't even speak yet!"

"Exactly!" Said Zara. "And based on what I'm sensing, they have a long way to go! Ironic, huh? Velina, as their pack leader, is the most savage, most erratic one, yet she can still control her flesh-eating impulses enough to speak fluently!" Zara gave a teasing smile at the raptors below her. "Ya'll! If your psychotic pack leader can stabilize herself enough to suppress her impulses and speak to us, it should be a piece of treeblossom for you guys to suppress your impulses!"

Some of the raptors turned to hiss sassily and stick their tongues at her.

Zara winked at them. "Hey! Let's make a deal! If anyone surprises me by talking within the next two days, I'll shorten your confinement by three days!"

At that, some of the raptors hissed amongst each other with interest.

"Of course, that's assuming I also trust your motives enough!" Zara added. "But just think about that!" Then she turned to Bronto. "Anyway! What's up?"

Bronto huffed. "You won't believe what hap—"

"Hey!" Zara turned and whipped her tail over two raptors that began to fight each other. "Cut that out! Just cuz ya'll are in jail doesn't mean you can act like wild Flesheaters! This is the Confinement Territory, not the Unknown Lands!" Then she raised an eyebrow. "Wait a minute....where are the other three idiots ya'll are always wrestling with?" She looked over the rest of the group and frowned. "Three raptors are missing!"

Primordial and Beyond #1: The Divided OnesWhere stories live. Discover now