Chapter 3 : Expectations

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That was the first time I heard somebody use my new last name. It felt weird, like it didn’t fit. “Yes sir, is- is something wrong,” I asked, nervously. “Well your parents are worried about you. They said you’ve been gone for a while now and they can’t seem to find you.” What? I told them I was going for a walk. Why would they be worried about me? I’m even more confused now. It’s a big neighborhood but I didn’t walk that far. Normally I walk for miles at a time. “I told them I was going for a walk,” I responded, with a hint of confusion in my voice. “They’re just worried about you because you’ve been gone for a while,” he responded. “Why don’t you get in the back, I’ll take you and your dog back home,” he said. Hesitantly, I began to climb in the backseat. I was so confused and shocked. Loretta and Spencer called the police on me? Have I really been gone that long? It felt like less than an hour. Are they seriously this worried about me that they have to send the police to come pick me up? “How are you settling in your new home,” the man asked, breaking the silence. I started to answer, but then it dawned on me. How did he know that I just moved here? My heart began to race again. He laughed a little bit. “Hey, I’m the sheriff, I know everything that happens around here,” he said. “I’m Officer Sheriff Miles, a lot of people around here just call me, "Sheriff," or,   “Officer Miles,” though,” he added. Suddenly I felt really embarrassed. I guess it makes sense that he would know that. “It’s the first night that I’ve been here actually,” I responded. “Really,” Officer Miles said, “I guess you like exploring huh? I can’t blame you, getting to know the neighborhood and everything. I get it. Just don’t make Loretta and Spencer worry too much now, I can tell they really care about you.” That sentence. I should be feeling relieved by that. I should feel happy that they care for me, but something about that feels so off. Something isn’t right. As Officer Miles drove me back to the house I began to worry more. Something doesn’t feel right, but I can’t place it yet. Will I actually get to see a different side of Loretta and Spencer? Officer Miles did say they were worried about me. It might be relieving to see them worried. That sounds strange, but after all their unrequited kindness and care, seeing them feel angry or worried might make things a bit more normal. Although, I still don’t get what the big deal is though. I wasn’t gone for that long, and I stayed in the subdivision. It’s all so confusing. It’s dark outside now but I can still see the houses clearly. My heart starts to beat faster as I see their house. Loretta and Spencer are standing outside. Waiting. The car slows to a stop and Loretta and Spencer walk over. Officer Miles rolled the window down to speak with them. “Thank you, so much,” Loretta starts. “We really didn’t mean to trouble you,” Spencer added. They don’t seem mad at all. “It’s no trouble, just glad to help,” Miles responded. I’m beginning to wonder if they’re putting on a show in front of Officer Miles. I have no idea what to expect when I go inside. Spencer begins to open the door to let me out of the backseat. “There you are,” Loretta says, “we’ve missed you.” I’m frozen in place. They… missed me? Maybe this is just part of the show? Maybe they’re waiting to express their true feelings when we get inside. “Thanks, again Miles,” Spencer said warmly. “It’s no trouble, you have a good night now,” Officer Miles responded, as he backed out of the driveway. I stood there waiting to move. Loretta took my hand. “We’re so glad you’re back, let’s go inside, where it’s warm,” she said, as kindly as ever. Loretta walked beside me with her hand on my back, leading me to the house, and Spencer was on my other side walking Sky. I felt my body tense up. I feel so awkward and nervous. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I want to run, but I don’t. We got inside. Loretta led me to the couch and we sat down. Spencer let Sky off her leash and sat on the other side of me. “How was your walk,” Spencer asked. I’m so nervous I could barely speak. Are they mad at me? Are they waiting for me to say something so they can lecture me? “It was nice,” I said. Are they just going to ignore what happened? “That’s great honey,” Loretta smiled. “I made dinner while you were away. Why don’t you go have some dinner before bed,” she insisted. “I’m really not hungry,” I began. “I know! We can have family game night,” Spencer said. “Oh that’s a great idea,” Loretta eclaimed, “I’ll get the cards.” They want to play games? I’ve never been so confused aren’t they mad at me or worried? It doesn’t even seem like they care that I left. Shouldn’t they be lecturing me or something? I couldn’t take it anymore. “I thought you guys were upset with me,” I said nervously. “Upset?,” Loretta said, “Of course not honey, we just missed you and want you to be safe.” “A safe family is a happy family, and you can bet we’re a happy family,” Spencer chuckled. “Okay, I thought this is the part where you lecture me,” I said, coolly. Loretta laughed lightly. “Oh, there’s no need for a lecture,”  Loretta began, “Spencer and I are new at parenting. We have a lot to learn, we just want you to be happy and safe. We were worried about you because it was late and you don’t have a cell phone. We weren’t keeping you safe. We won’t make that mistake again.” Her words echoed in my ears. Somehow this felt like a threat. What are they going to do? It’s like everything somehow got more confusing instead of less confusing. “Are you two ready to play a card game,” Loretta chirped. I really didn’t want to, but I was scared of what would happen if I said no. I nodded hesitantly. “What game should we play,” Spencer asked. “What’s a good card game for three people,” Loretta responded. “How about Texas Hold’em,” Spencer asked excitedly. “Poker!?,” Loretta said laughing. “We couldn’t teach her that.” “Oh, why not? It is just a game,” Spencer responded, “What do you think Vanessa, you wanna learn how to play?” Really, I just wanted to get away from them. I’m really confused and nervous around them and I still can’t figure this out. However, I was curious. “Okay,” I said. Spencer laughed and Loretta shook her head playfully. We moved to the kitchen table and they explained the rules to me. We used pieces of candy to bet with. It seemed kind of confusing at first, but we played a round and then another, and after experiencing it, it’s less confusing than I thought. I began to pay attention to Spencer and Loretta’s poker face. I can’t see through either of their disguises. They’re really good at this game. I was actually starting to have fun. After a couple of more rounds Spencer had eaten most of his candy so he couldn’t bet anymore and Loretta said it was beginning to get late. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but I was pretty tired. “We should do this every night,” Loretta exclaimed laughing. I laughed too. “Let me walk you to bed  honey, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow,” she said. “I do?” I asked. “Well it will be your last day off before you start school,” She responded, “ We have to get you school supplies.” “Oh, right,” I said, “school.” Loretta walked me to my bedroom and chatted about Spencer’s tell’s in Texas Hold ‘em. We laughed and then said goodnight. This is the first night that I’ll be sleeping here, and even though I had a really confusing day, I just want to relax and forget about everything. I did have a nice time with Loretta and Spencer. They can be smothering at times and I’m still worried about what she meant by, “We won’t make that mistake again,” but I’m too tired to think about that right now and I was happy when we all played cards together, maybe it will always be like that. I began to drift off to sleep.

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