Chapter 8: Aftermath

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It has been 2 months after the war has ended. The aftermath of the war brought a complex mix of relief and tension. The Henzan Empire, now annexed by the Elysian Empire, witnessed the return of some of its lands to Revenla. Citizens of the Revenlan Union expressed gratitude for the Elysian intervention, cheering their newfound savior.

President Fenson's visit to Elysium marked a diplomatic effort to thank Emperor Constantine XXXII for the role the Elysian Empire played in the conflict. The president admired the grandeur of Elysian cities, characterized by towering structures and advanced industrialization.

Meanwhile, in the newly named territory of New Izmir(formerly Hezan), animosities flared as beastmen resented their human occupiers. A tragic incident, ignited by the killing of an Elysian soldier, led to swift and brutal retaliation. Elysian forces responded by opening fire on the attackers, resulting in the loss of 700 beastmen lives. The fragile coexistence in this acquired territory now hung in precarious balance.

Under the high command's directive, Elysian troops stationed in New Izmir carried out a harsh crackdown, targeting every beastman deemed suspicious. The ruthless enforcement resulted in the deaths of 1,008 beastmen on the first day, as tensions escalated in the newly acquired territory. The quest for authority and control painted a bleak picture for the coexistence of humans and beastmen in this contentious aftermath.

The brutal enforcement quelled the revolts in New Izmir after five days of intense conflict. Faced with the overwhelming force and a mounting death toll of over 7,040 fellow beastmen, the remaining inhabitants begrudgingly came to terms with their loss, harboring a bitter resentment that lingered beneath the surface. The once contentious territory now bore the scars of a tumultuous transition, marking a somber chapter in the uneasy coexistence of humans and beastmen under Elysian rule.

In the aftermath of the night assault, Elysium, having faced significant casualties, swiftly adapted their military strategy. To enhance their forces' capabilities, they implemented a comprehensive array of equipment, including tear gas for crowd control, flamethrowers for close-quarter combat, cluster grenades for tactical advantages, and gas masks to ensure the safety of their soldiers.


Elysian Empire, New Thessaloniki, Octubres/October 15, 2028, 7 AM

In the deserts of New Thessaloniki, within a heavily guarded lab, scientists and researchers diligently work on a top-secret project. In a secluded room, ten large tubes house giant individuals suspended in green liquids. These colossal figures, over 19 feet tall and displaying impressive muscular physiques, represent the 2nd Generation Biological Weapon of the Elysian Empire known as the Spartan Project.

The Spartans, a product of advanced genetic engineering, incorporate DNA from formidable beastmen—specifically, the Bear, Cheetah, and Tiger. These supersoldiers are designed to be 40 times stronger, faster, and more capable than the average human. Their singular purpose: to serve as an elite protective force for the Emperor, a formidable defense created from the very essence of the powerful beastmen.

The dire challenges posed by magic casted by mages, Elysium has honed its focus on the development of cutting-edge Anti-Magic Technology. The urgency became apparent during a night assault in Hezekiah two months ago when mages successfully immobilized a Heraclius Heavy Tank and inflicted casualties on Elysian soldiers.

Understanding the need for a robust defense against magical threats, the Elysian Empire initiated collaborative efforts with esteemed mages from Revenlan Union and other human nations.

However, word of Null Magic reached the ears of diligent researchers and scientists alike, echoing back to an era when the Akaylan Empire reigned supreme in the annals of human history. The emergence of Null Magic, attributed to none other than Gaius Julius Caesar, some 7,000 years in the past, left these scholars in a state of profound astonishment. The question lingered heavily: What purpose did the first dictator of Rome serve in this unfamiliar realm?

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