Prologue, Reborn

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Tha'lil stood about a foot before his peers as he held the highest rank out of his unit. His regiment and several others, each filled with different species, stood before a podium. Slowly, a metallic humanoid-esque frame stepped up to the platform. The structure began speaking.

"Four years ago," Director Halsey spoke through this frame. "You were all brought aboard this station and, I can now proudly say that you've all become worthy to hold the title' Marine.' Through hardship, loss, suffering, and all. You've all made it to the Graduation." Halsey paused for dramatic effect. "And now may the top units of the group step forward, B5K, T6I, V2A, and S11I. You five have ascended to be the best of the best, you will be rewarded as such by being the first wave of tenth-generation Marines." Another pause as a Human male walked up to the side of the podium. "Without further ado, Counselor Graeme."

As Graeme stepped up, everyone began clapping. Graeme raised his hand, signaling the group to be quiet. "I won't waste your time any longer, and I'm sure you're all excited to be in this extraordinary position, so let's begin." He paused to look at a screen. "Bardos 5, Kruzat unit, make way to the operations room." The Kruzats began marching in two by two towards the first operation room. Graeme continued. "Tunirion 6, Ivurian unit, head to the second operations room."

Tha'lil stomped a foot, signaling his unit to begin marching toward the operations room. As Tha'lil and his unit marched, they could faintly hear Graeme calling other groups. He could also hear the sounds of machinery, probably the same machinery that would be used on them for their augmentations. Tha'lil smelled the air, the only thing he could smell was industrial material and blood. He and his unit came into a sterile white room, surrounded by the faint hum of machinery and the acrid scent of antiseptic. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and anticipation coursing through his veins. This was the moment he had been preparing for, the moment that would change him forever. Ma'ruk, Naa'layn, and Ba'thra stood beside him, their eyes reflecting the same unease. They were all dressed in plain white garments pinned with the symbol of the PRT. But now, the familiar insignia seemed cold and distant, a reminder of the sacrifice they were about to make. Their bodies had already undergone various tests and preparations leading up to this day, pushing them physically and mentally to their limits. But nothing could have prepared them for what was to come. A door to the side of the room hissed open, revealing a team of medical personnel clad in white lab coats. Their faces were stoic, their eyes hardened from the countless procedures they had performed.

The leader of the team, Dr. Ludari, stepped forward, his expression tight. "Listen up, recruits," he barked, his voice dripping with authority. "Today, you will undergo a series of augmentations. These modifications will push your bodies to their limits, make you stronger, faster, and more efficient as soldiers." Tha'lil swallowed hard, his throat dry. He exchanged a quick glance with his fellow Ivurians, finding solace in their shared fear. Without further preamble, the medical team began the augmentation process. Tha'lil was the first to be led to the operating table, his heart pounding in his ears. He lay down, staring at the bright lights above, his tail twitching anxiously. The room fell silent as a doctor leaned over him, his gloved hands gripping a wicked-looking surgical tool. Tha'lil could feel his breath quickening, the tension in the room thickening with each passing second. The first augmentation was the lengthening of bones. Tha'lil gritted his teeth as the doctor made an incision on his leg, exposing the bone beneath. He winced as the guiding rod was hammered into place along with several injections and a tube feeding a milky white liquid, forcing his bones to grow beyond their natural limits. The pain was excruciating, a white-hot jolt that coursed through his body. Tha'lil's vision blurred, his thoughts muddled as he fought to keep himself grounded. The intense agony seemed to stretch on forever, each stroke of the hammer leaving its mark on his psyche.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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