Chapter 24: The Third Kazekage's Grandaughter

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Sakura surged ahead in pursuit of Deidara, utilizing the sand as her wings. Realizing he couldn't keep up, Naruto ascended the old, rusted torii gate, watching the unfolding scene from below. Now caught up, Kakashi joined Naruto and shifted his focus to Sakura. He had underestimated her, failing to grasp the formidable strength she possessed.
Deidara deftly maneuvered in circles, skillfully evading Sakura's sand dragons formed through her manipulation jutsu. Recognizing the futility of her attacks, she decided to discontinue them. It was clear that a new plan was necessary.
Addressing her, Deidara remarked, "Looks like their fight has already begun."
Confused, Sakura glanced behind her, only to witness Granny Chiyo engaged in a fierce battle with the Konoha medical Shinobi against Sasori's puppet. She was taken aback as the creature moved on all fours, sporting an unusual mechanical device in its front left hand. A massive red kabuki mask with yellow eyes and teeth adorned its top, releasing Sasori's potent, poisonous tail from inside its mouth. Underneath the mask was the horrifying visage of a human face twisted to resemble an ugly puppet—a stark contrast to the appearance Sasori had in the photograph Kankuro had shown her.
Deidara continued, "Is that little girl and the old bag really up to the task of taking on my man Sasori?"
"I'm confident they're more than capable of handling him," Sakura calmly replied.
Naruto leaped out of the blue, attempting to reach the bird and save his friend. Instead, he crashed into a rock formation. Sakura glared at him and muttered, "What an idiot."
Deidara smirked, holding a tiny clay bird in his hand. He swung the bird at Kakashi, forcing him to engage in combat against the explosive clay creations. Kakashi swiftly turned a Kunai knife and struck its chest. Anticipating the imminent explosion, he allowed gravity to pull him away.
Sakura extended her wings and shot out sand needles at Deidara. Evading them with ease, he tossed tiny birds her way. In response, she encased herself in a round sandball, bracing for impact. As the sand poured back down to the earth, Sakura panted on the small sand platform she had created to suspend herself in the air. She yelled, "I won't let you take Gaara away from me, not again."
"By any chance, do you have a tailed beast? You act like a Jinchuriki. If not, I'm not interested in fighting you," Deidara smirked.
Naruto punched through the rubble, his voice echoing, "Let go of Gaara!"
Deidara turned around, spotting Naruto struggling to climb out of the wall like a determined insect. He remarked, "I've heard that Jinchuriki were gloomy misanthropes. Not counting this guy, my comrades have defeated two Jinchurikis. It seems not even one comrade or villager attempted to save them. Some people were glad. So, you couldn't forsake someone pitiful and hated like you? Gaara died after the One-Tail was extracted, and now the same fate awaits you."
Sakura pondered, "Could he be stalling? He keeps glancing back at that cave; I wonder if he's waiting for Sasori to come out and assist him with Naruto?"
The bird swallowed the remainder of Gaara and gracefully ascended from the battlefield. Naturally, Sakura pursued it, manipulating her sand to form wings that propelled her forward. Naruto, determined, followed closely on the ground. Turning to Kakashi, he shouted, "Kakashi, go back and take care of the others. Sakura and I will handle this."
Refusing to heed his student's command, Kakashi followed instead, driven by the unwavering commitment to protect Naruto with his life.
Deidara turned his gaze back to Sakura, clenching his fist in frustration. Sighing, he remarked, "I guess I don't have a choice but to take you down with them."
In a split second, he hurled three diminutive birds, each growing to half the size of the bird he was riding. One aimed directly at Sakura, while the other two challenged Naruto and Kakashi. Swiftly, Sakura manipulated her wings to form a protective barrier against the impending explosion. It seems determined to eliminate Sakura and Kakashi to face Naruto alone. However, Sakura harbored a fierce desire for revenge and was resolute in reclaiming Gaara's body. Once more, her sand dragons pursued Deidara, but his clay spiders landed on them, detonating each one into pieces.
"I'm curious to know. Why are you so desperate to take the Jinchuriki back? Who is he to you?" Deidara inquired.
"I'm his advisor," Sakura calmly replied.
"No, that's not it. You're not just the Jinchuriki's advisor. You're his girlfriend, aren't you, little girl?" Deidara probed.
"Why is that any of your business?" Sakura retorted.
"Well, I must ask if you have any other tricks I don't have to worry about. Your sand is no match for my true art," Deidara taunted.
Sakura frowned, determination in her eyes. "You want to see tricks? I'll show you tricks."
From her bag pocket, Sakura pulled out a scroll and unraveled it. The scroll danced in the wind as she ascended into the sky. Performing her summoning jutsu, she called forth her seven-foot-tall puppet. Long black hair flowed in the wind, matching the black Kabuki mask painted over her face. The puppet's five-foot-long arms extended behind it as it gracefully soared across the sky.
Deidara smirked, acknowledging, "You're a puppet master like my man, Sasori."
Sakura countered with a confident smirk, declaring, "No, I'm better."
Sakura maintained her pursuit at breakneck speeds, leaving Kakashi and Naruto struggling to catch up. With its menacing mouth displaying false jagged teeth and a dark cavity, her puppet unleashed kunai knives in rapid succession. Deidara skillfully evaded them using his bird. Despite considering taking down the bird, Sakura couldn't harm Gaara's body. Her sole objective was to bring him back to the village, dead or alive. The prospect of becoming the sixth Kazekage with Kankuro as her advisor crossed her mind, but she shook off such thoughts, unprepared for a future without Gaara. With him gone, her life seemed devoid of purpose.
Abruptly, Kakashi's voice pierced through her darkest contemplations, jolting her back to the present. Sakura glanced down at him, meeting his determined gaze. Lowering her wings to match their level as they leaped from tree to tree, she asked, "What is it, Kakashi?"
"I know you're up there, trying to figure out a way to bring him down without hurting Gaara. If you can trust me, we can help you," Kakashi assured.
"What do you need me to do?" Sakura inquired, ready to collaborate on a strategy to achieve their shared goal.
"Slow your pace behind me. I can use my Mangekyo Sharingan," Kakashi calmly replied.
Sakura arched her eyebrows and asked, "You're a Uchiha?"
Kakashi shook his head, waving his hand as he answered, "No, I'm not. It's a long story I can't get into now. Will you trust me?"
Sakura nodded and adjusted her speed to fly directly behind Kakashi, maintaining control of her puppet beside her.
He initiated his jutsu, and the sky rippled like water with Deidara at its center, being drawn into a portal. However, Deidara fought back, and the portal slowly closed, severing his right arm. Gaara's sand prison jutsu contributed to cutting off the left arm. Despite Kakashi's Sharingan showing signs of strain, the sky returned to its normal state. Grunting in pain, Kakashi held his eye.
Concerned, Sakura yelled, "Kakashi, are you alright? What happened?"
"I missed," Kakashi replied, "And I'm not yet able to control this new Sharingan."
Sakura sighed, "Fine, I'll handle it from here."
"No," Kakashi protested, "I will not miss this time."
Struggling to maintain focus, Kakashi attempted his jutsu once more, eyes barely open. He leaped higher onto tree branches to ensure his eye stayed on Deidara and the jutsu wouldn't fail.
Deidara maneuvered in a zig-zag formation, skillfully avoiding the black hole that pursued him. Eventually, he managed to escape Kakashi's technique. Falling behind, he stood on a tall tree branch, sweat streaming down his face as he panted heavily.
Sakura couldn't wait any longer for Kakashi to regain his composure. Racing at full speed, she skillfully manipulated her chakra strings, commanding her puppet to swing far ahead. The puppet, adorned with five long-foot arms, each bearing menacing spikes between the joints, surged toward Deidara with lethal intent.
Deidara, catching a glimpse of the approaching puppet, widened his eyes in terror. Desperate to evade, he attempted to leap away, but Naruto, who had reappeared high in the sky, unleashed his Rasengan jutsu. The situation unfolded rapidly, and Deidara, fearing Naruto's attack, dodged both the puppet and the Rasengan, plummeting into the trees below. The Rasengan, however, found its target and severed the clay bird's head.
Frustrated, Sakura yelled, "You idiot."
Swiftly, she manipulated her sand to catch the severed hand, gently lowering it to the ground. Naruto descended from the trees, joining Kakashi to offer assistance, while Sakura landed beside the bird's head. Her puppet's razor arms spun into action, slicing through the clay until Gaara's body was exposed, revealing a cracked sand shield as if he were a broken doll.
Sakura clung desperately to Gaara's lifeless form, her whispered pleas for him to wake up echoing in the forest. Tears streamed down her face as she rubbed her cheek against his cold skin, the pain of loss escaping in loud sobs that reverberated through the trees. In the grip of one of the most heart-wrenching moments of her life, she screamed his name, but his body remained inert in her arms.
Leaning against a nearby tree, Deidara, irritated, remarked, "I told you, didn't I? He's already dead."
Fueled by rage, Naruto clenched his fist and growled, "I'll pound you."
Unperturbed, Deidara sighed, "Fine, I'll take you on again one of these days."
Ever composed, Kakashi calmly replied, "You let your guard down." Without relying on a shadow clone, Naruto materialized behind Deidara, his fist raised menacingly. Caught off guard, Deidara turned his head in complete shock, eyes widened. Stripped of both arms, which he had relied on for his clay explosion jutsu, he found himself defenseless and incapable of warding off Naruto's impending strike.

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