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In this chapter Charlie doesn't have a POV but he is mentioned. It's mostly Nick and gus (my own character)

Nicks POV~
I wake up to the sound of a bell going past, that's how they wake us up in here. 'Here' is a huge place where all the alphas get taken as soon as they show. The omegas that show are in a completely different building. There's 3.

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The 'Mating Center' is where they send you and a random omega when you both turn 17, we receive some information about each other before we go in, so we know some things about the other person. We're sent there to mate and eventually have children, then we get moved to an omega and alpha neighbourhood until our children come of age at 14.

It's my birthday next week and I'm really excited about meeting my omega. I'm not sure when the letter with information comes but I hope it's soon.

~the next day~

"OI MATE! You have a letter" Gus runs up to me handing me the letter. "I just woke up Gus I'll open it later..." I say back in a sleepy voice, not ready for the day at all. "No mate it's THEE letter." He says and I immediately shot up from lying down. It kind of made me a bit dizzy but I don't really care to be honest. I just wanna open the letter.

I take the letter and at the top it reads,

Dear sir Nicolas Nelson.
We have found you a mate and I think you will be pleased with our pick.
Name: Charles Spring.
Sex: Male.
Body complications: Anorexia.
Body count: 0.
Hair type: Black Curly.
Eye type: Blue and Green.
We hope you enjoy your omega.

"So what's she like mate?" Gus asks while I stare at the piece of paper in front of me.
"Not a she.." I say, I'm not disappointed or anything, I know I put 'either' in the 'what gender would you like to be pared with' but I didn't actually think I would pared with a guy.
"Oh, did they pick the wrong gender mate?" Gus asks another question. "No...I picked either, I don't really care about that stuff" I say still staring at the paper. "Oh okay, I've gotta go mate but I'll see you later yea" he walks off without me answering him.

I stare at the same word for about what seems like an hour just thinking 'anorexia' what does that mean? I've never heard or seen that word ever in my life, I decided to go ask a guard that stands there all day not doing anything. "Hey sir?" I say and he nods as if to say 'yeah?' "What does this word mean?" I ask and point to the word on the letter. "It means they have trouble eating kid, you're gonna end up with a skinny one then. They're well fun, you can see your cock through their stomach if you get them facing you. It's hilarious" he laughed but I don't laugh, why is everyone so rude and disgusting all the time? So what if he's skinny, it just means he's small and cute. I walk away and hear someone ringing a bell symbolising its dinner.

~time skip~

It's my birthday today, tomorrow I go to meet Charlie and I'm really excited, but also anxious, what if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm really mean..? "Stop worrying mate, he'll love you." Gus says when he notices that instead of working out, I'm staring at a wall thinking. "What?" I say. "Mate you're normally the first one to be done working out and Harry's even finished before you." He says. Oh right, I guess I was a bit obvious huh. "Right, yeah, I'm just...thinking..what if he doesn't like me." I say hoping he'll be comforting and loving.....until he says this. "Cuz you're so big mate!" He starts laughing historically and I just get up and storm out the gym. "Grow up will you" I say as I barge past.

~The next day~
"WILL NICOLAS LUKE NELSON PLEASE MAKE HIS WAY TO THE PREPARATION ROOM THANK YOU" I hear on the speaker. The preparation room is where they give you a clean shirt and pants to change into and get you cleaned up before you go to the room they give you. As an Alpha, my clothes will be different to an Omegas outfit. An Alpha will wear a grey shirt with a room number on the back and white pants, whereas an Omega will wear all white with a grey room number on there shirt. It's just so that if an Omega or an Alpha gets lost they'll be brought right back.

"Oi yess former in there Nicolas..literally" Harry starts laughing and so does Gus. Gus used to be really sweet and thoughtful until Harry came in the next year. Turned him into an Omega 'user' as I'll like to cal it, basically just treat an Omega like a sex doll and throw it away once you're done. God I hate them sometimes.

I make my way to the preparation room and someone tells me to "take your clothes off then lad" and I do. Everything but my underwear because...well yeah I don't really think I need to- "and those" oh. For real. Seriously. Fine. I take off my underwear and the guy chucks me a change of clothes and tells me to get in the shower. Wich is HUGE compared to the ones we get at the Alpha building.

"Okay get in then" the guy said while opening a van full of Alphas from different Alpha buildings all around. (I forgot to say but there's more than 1 buildings for Alphas and Omegas) after about 10 minutes we arrive at the mating center. It's way bigger than any of the Alpha buildings. "Woah" everyone says almost at the same time. We all laugh. In the 10 minutes driving everyone got to talk to each other and we're all friends now I guess. Except 1 guy that doesn't talk to anyone even if someone tries to talk to him. All he's said is what his name is. Ben.

"Alright everybody out and into the blue building" a guy said. All the Alphas are smelling the air because of the amount of Omega pheromones there are in the air. Some are good but most are sad and scared and worried scents. I wonder why.

They have a line of about 50 guards beyond the door ready to take the amount of Alphas to their room. One takes my arm and drags me down a very long, very slim hallway. 1,2,3,4,5...19,20,21. We stop. "Room 21 sir" he says and steps back. I open the door and it's all white. Everything is white. No colour on anything except the tv and remote. I notice another door. "What's that door for?" I ask. He looks and says "that's where the Omega will be coming in from sir." Oh. Okay. "How long until he gets here?" I ask another question and he breaths out as if to say 'stop asking questions and go in' "they'll arrive in around 10 minutes sir. They're getting them ready" what does he mean getting him ready? Like dressing him? I thought they did that at the other building. Maybe not for Omegas, maybe they do it here. "Sir if you could step inside please and wait for the Omega it would be appreciated sir" he says with an Irritation in his voice.

I walk in and start to look around. It's very....white. There's a bathroom, also white,
I sit on the bed and turn on the tv. There's only 4 channels. 1 is...porn. 2 is love music..uhh okay. 3 is the Discovery channel. And 4 is music. Any music. Thank god, I can listen to music I actually want to listen to.

After a few minutes I hear screaming and yelling. And it's coming from behind the Omega door. Why is an Omega screaming. I move a bit closer and realise it's not just 1 Omega screaming and shouting, it's all of them. All 46. I counted how many people were on the van and that should be how many Omegas there are. I hear some people behind the Omega door and it sounds like someone is saying "let me go" repeatedly really fast. Then the door opens and 5 men drag a boy into the room and he tries to run out. Why is he trying to leave. They pick him up and kind of throw him on the floor and run out locking the door really fast. He's banging on the door screaming. "LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT, PLEASE I DONT WANT THIS. LET ME OUUTT!!" He's banging on the door and still screaming. The screaming slows down and quiets down until he stops. He's breathing really loudly and I can smell the pheromones coming off of him weren't good or sweet or anything nice at all. And his clothes weren't as clean as mine. And he definitely wasn't as clean as me in any way.

"hey...charlie?" i say. He spins around faster than i cna blink.
"who..who are you!"
Hi I hope you liked this.
I thought of this while in Spanish class. It's boring 😭.
Word count: 1590.

Room 21- A Nick and Charlie story.Where stories live. Discover now