Im coming in.

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This chapter contains: s/h.
I will put ⚠️[warning]⚠️ before and after.
This is a bit depressing but next chapter of way better I swear.
Also if I put ___ I'm not completely certain of wording so use your imagination 😭. Please.😭
Charlies POV:

"hey...charlie?" i hear voice call. I spin round immediately. Its Alpha.
Ive never seen one before. Hes so...big? 'charlie that sounds weird' I think to myself. 'Wait. How did he know my name?' I try to ask and say it out loud but my body won't let me. I can't move. Not an inch. I just know I'm sending off some sort of scared or panicked pheromones but that's the least of my concerns about what I'm 'sending off' I can definitely feel ___ coming from ____ and that's not what I want to be happening. I mean he's so...pretty? Fit? Large?...(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
''large! Seriously Charlie!'

"are you okay?" he asks. 'AM I OKAY!? NO IM NOT OKAY! THEY'VE SHUT ME IN A ROOM WITH A RANDOM ALPHA WHO COULD DO ANYTHING TO ME HE PELASES AND IM FALLING FOR THY ALPHA JUST BY LOOKING AT THEE!!!!' my mind is screaming but i cnat get naything out of my stupid mouth.

He gets up from where he was sitting on a VERY white couch. Shit. Hes coming towards me and I'm stuck here like a melting statue. (Get it, cuz he's leaking😟 help that sounds so weird😭😭)

Nicks POV:

I get up to check on Charlie because he hasn't said a single thing to me. And he looks..frozen. And the letter wasn't lying. He's so...skinny. He looks like I could break him by just poking him.
He's shaking? Why is he shaking? I want to ask him but I just know he won't respond. So I just hold out a hand for him to get up off the floor. He flinches and closes his eyes. I leave my hand there and hope he'll open his eyes and grab ahold of it..but he doesn't. It's been at least 2 minutes and he hasn't moved. Not 1 single inch. I walk away and sit down on the couch. "I'm not gonna hurt you, you know." I tell him. I say it loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough for him not to get scared of the sudden noise. He still, doesn't do anything.
I don't get it? Why is he being like this? I thought he would like me. But..I guess not everyone likes anyone they just met i guess.

I gave up trying to talk to him. I just left him there, I do feel bad yeah but what else am I supposed to do. He wont fucking move. I tried sending him calm pheromones but his stressed and sad and all other bad pheromones overtake mine, even if I'm an Alpha, he's obviously got stronger emotions. I look at the time on the clock we have and it's 9:47pm, I would be going to bed by now in the Alpha building. And maybe so would he. I look over at him and he looks....asleep? Hm. I think about just leaving him there because if I try to pick him up and awakes and freaks out, then what do I do huh? But..I can't just leave him there on hard floor with nothing to cover him up with. He looks like he's shaking too. I make a decision to pick him up gently and lay him on the bed, but this won't be easy. I get a blanket and wrap it round him gently. Then I pick him up and...he's so light. Like really really light. It's like picking up a pillow if that!

I take him over to the bed while giving off calming pheromones to soothe him. I put him under the sheets and tick him in. 'Guess I'll be sleeping on the couch for the first night.' I think to myself and grab a blanket and a pillow and walk to the couch. I try to sleep but..something seems off. Like really off. I open my eyes and look at- wait where's Charlie.

I get up to look for him and find the bathroom door shut and locked. I knock on the door quietly. I hear heavy breathing. He must be in there. "Are you nearly done?" I ask him. No response, no movement, no..nothing. Not even breathe. Wait. Not even..breathe. "Are you ok?"
.nothing. "Charlie." I say and I jogg to the couch and grab something, the letter that was sitting on the table when I came in. I read through it. It was about Charlie. It wrote:

Dear sir Nicholas
We have found some marks on your omega and done a few tests on him before we bring him in. Seems he struggles with depression and s/h.
If you would like to replace your Omega please call - +44 **** ******.  (I'm British that's how we do phone numbers)
For more information on who the backup is go to channel 3 on your television. It shows an image, name...


That's all I read before hurrying back to the bathroom. "Charlie are you okay open the door." I ask. I use my hearing to check if he's still okay. His breathing is so low and slow I can barely hear it. "I'm coming in." I say before bashing the door open to be greeted with Charlie on the floor and a broken razor with the blades taken out. One of 3 blades was in Charlie's hand covered in blood. So was he. He'd cut so deep into both of his arms. I feel like I'm about to pass out. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before.

I pick up the blade from his hand and put it in the sink, then the others. 'I can't believe this is gonna be the first time I see him naked and it's not for a good reason' I think to myself. I have to clean his entire body up somehow. I strip him down and put him in the tub. I know he's awake now but he seems to trust me with this. Part of the reason is because of the pheromones I'm giving off - really really strong calming, life & care - they seem to be working. He's letting me do anything. It's like he's given up trying.

⚠️end of warning⚠️

I finish cleaning him, the bathroom floor and myself up. I put gauze over his arm and put him in Pyjamas. We don't exchange a single word. Not once. I put him into bed and while walking away I hear something. I think he said something. "Pardon? Did you say something." I ask. I've never heard him speak. "T..thank you"

Room 21- A Nick and Charlie story.Where stories live. Discover now