Meet the OC'S!

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Name: Alex Freedom

Age: 40

Rank: 5 star General

Faction: Leader of the Elite Commandos

Character he was based on: Captain Tom Chandler (The Last ship)

Family: Lexi Freedom(wife, Head Director of Medical), Richard Freedom (Son, Squad leader of Demons), Piper Freedom( Daughter, Tank Commander of unit of Hell riders).

Character's Background

Born in a small town in Indiana Alex Freedom join the army at the age of 19 and worked his way up to 5 star general, he then was given permission to make a entire company of elite soldiers and support units which was called The ELITE COMMANDOS, his second in command is his best friend in the army Major Chip Hazard, and his third in command is his wife Lexi Freedom who was the top Doctor in the army and his two kids followed their parents into military also making into their Farther's Elite unit with them leading their own units.

Name: Lexi Freedom.

Age: 39

Rank: Army Surgeon General.

Character she was based on: Doctor Rachel Scott (The Last Ship)

Family: Alex Freedom(Husband, Commandos Elite leader) Richard Freedom (Son, Squad leader of Demons), Piper Freedom( Daughter, Tank Commander of unit of Hell riders).

Character's background

Born in the large city of Chicago, she had graduated from the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science and after that she then joined the army as a surgeon and during her time she met her future husband Alex Freedom after he took non-fatal wounds, they talk and started dating and then married and had two kids. She was then place in his third command of his new company called Commandos Elite and she was in charge of anything medical.

Name: Richard Freedom

Age: 21

Rank: Captain of Demon squad

Character he was based on: Seeley Booth (Bones)

Family: Alex Freedom(dad), Lexi Freedom(mom), Piper Freedom (big sis)

Character's background

Born to two high rank military individuals and having a older sister who was also enlisting, he decided when he was twenty he would enlist into the marines at 20 which he did and rose to the rank of captain which he got during a major battle which saw him getting his captains bars from his dad. Then his own personal squad which was his squad and then transferred to his farther's elite commandos.

Name: Piper Freedom

Age: 29

Rank: Captain, Platoon leader of Hell riders

Character she based on: Teyla Emmagan (Stargate Atlantis)

Character background

Like her little brother she grew up with to military parents and they raised her and her brother of being a patriot be not to much and aloud her and her brother to discovered themselves which she discovered that she like to drive heavy machinery which led her to enlist into the army tank corp where she worked for her rank as captain of her own platoon of tanks which she nicknamed Hell riders and then he farther transferred her platoon to his new military branch called Elite commandos

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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