(4) Team Chaotix

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Team Chaotix is recommended to players that want a different play style, so instead of their goal on stages being simply to go to end of of them, they have to complete some missions

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Team Chaotix is recommended to players that want a different play style, so instead of their goal on stages being simply to go to end of of them, they have to complete some missions. Their Team Blast is "Chaotix Recital", where all the three characters begin to sing. But, they are kinda bad on it, since they all sing different songs at the same time and then the enemies get destroyed. The effect before the Team Blast bar empties again is that every enemy that the team destroys gets them rings.

Espio The Chameleon (Speed) [Sly and Disciplined]
*Can jump walls
*Can do the Leaf Swirl and become invisible
*Throws shuriken stars on the enemies after using the rocket accel

Charmy Bee (Filght) [Happy and Hyperactive]
*Can attack with his sting on the ground
*On the ground as well, he can also throw flower stars
*Can create small whirlwinds and use them as temporal additional platforms
*He has the lowest stamina between the flight types, tied with Cream.

Vector The Crocodile (Power) [Clever and Hard Working]
*Can glide with his gum
*When fully leveled up, can attack spit gumballs at the enemies that explode on them
*One of the strongest Power Characters, next to Storm and Big

About the relationship between them on cutscenes and in-stages, Espio and Charmy, despite their differences, are good comrades; Charmy and Vector are sometimes annoyed by each other personality, but are good friends as well and there may even be some kind of father-son relationship between them; and Vector and Espio are more tranquil with each other and always count on their abilities.

Matthew Mercer as Espio The Chameleon
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Charmy Bee
Keith Silverstein as Vector The Crocodile

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