monks and Ms.beka

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( 10 years later )


Daddys making me train today.

I hate fighting but he says it's in my DNA.

He says im something called a Nietzschean

I know I'm adopted but I do kinda wanna meet my birth parents. Why did they abandon me?

I love daddy and all my uncles but I do with I knew more about what and who I am

Daddy helps and I love when he hugged me. It Makes me feel calm

"Are u ok little one?" Unless maylor asked

He's the trainer for this temple and since I was small IV only left once . And that was simply to the mountains to pray

"I'm fine kinda hungry" I smiled and

he nodded"u did good today go I think ur dad has supper waiting

I jumped and handed him my staph as I ran home but as I was almost to my hut I felt a burning in my side

I looked to see I was bleeding then a bunch of loud booms!

I ran and when I got home I saw Marida ,my sitter, on the ground and I started to cry.

All at once I felt sick and weak and my side hurt but before I hit the ground I felt the familiar fur id found calming since I was a baby

"Lex are u ok" daddy asked and I couldn't talk I looked at him and he saw marida and immediately engulfed me

"It's ok little one we need to go are u hurt"

When he said that I just touched my side and he growled

I'd never heard that and I backed up but he instantly calmed

"Lex we need to go" I ran and he picked me up like he has since I was a baby and we just ran.

I saw a lot of my uncle's dead and I started to cry harder but daddy only held me closer. I never cry.

I don't cry

But right now I'm scared and daddy is running to a big metal ship.

"Lex were getting here and we have to go ok . I'm going home quickly I'll bring bonzo but don't leave"

"Yes sir" he left and the booms got louder. The ships were getting closer but before they reached me daddy showed back up with my bonzo and the ship took off fast

I fell and daddy picked me up as Uncle Max looked at my side

"It's not the best just looks like a bad graze" .

"It hurts" I didn'tean to whine but Im scared and tired

This is gunna taste bad but it'll make it stop ok

I just nodded as I drank the yucky tea andbefore I knew it I woke up and even though I still hurt I was asleep on daddy's chest but wewere at a different monistary

Daddy isn't gunna make me take the vow so I wasn't worried but when we got off the ship the monks there looked at me in shock

My bone blades were small but there weren't y they didn't like me

"Woman aren't allowed brother I'm sorry"

Daddy glared but he pulled me to him

"Just make sure my brothers are safe me and my daughter will find somewhere else"

I hugged daddy tight and we walked until I was tired so daddy carried me.

I love him and when I woke back up we were in a city.

It was big and I'd never been in a place like this but it was fun.

(4 years later)

My baby girl is 14 today and she's found a dojo to continue her training

I don't like fighting but IV noticed it's her way of calm.

Lex wants to fight professionally but I don't like the violence

"Dad please I can win" this is the only thing I've ever seen her really want so I reluctantly gave my permission.

For a year and a half lex fought in cages and one night after another victory i just wanted to take her home but I couldn't find her

I just hired on this young kid Harper and his little friend but I still needed another to run my ship.

My dad passed last year so he's out but as me Harper and trance hung out at this bar a cage match started.
I turned and was amazed at the fact it was some what I'm assuming is very young adults because they would wear safety gear if it was kids.

Once the fight ends the one girl looked amazed as she gathered her winnings.

"Boss what about her?"

Harper asked me that and I figured what the hell

I walked over to her as I saw her getting her guard out and she just stared "can I help ya ma'am"?

"UV got a good right hook there u even consider becoming security "

The girl looked at me like I had two heads and I felt the awkward silence but soon she broke it

"I'm 14"

I thought I mis heard her but she laughed as I soon saw what looked like a monk ",lex where have u been?' !

" Right here" he turned and I thought my eyes were going crazy

"Sorry dad"

I coughed "this monks ur dad?"

She nodded and that's when I saw the bone blades

"How can I help u ma'am" I'd never heard a magog speak so clearly but I was intrigued "I'm looking for crew for my cargo ship I needed security and bio

The magog looked to be thinking as I saw his girl sit to eat"cages only 14 but IV seen her take down men 3 times her size . Get her out of here and we will both join u"

For some reason I was ok with it so after we agreed on terms, basically that my kid only fought if necessary

This went on for 4 years before beka took a job from a night sider

We're looking for some ghost ship

My baby girl is a woman now and IV never been prouder. She can defend herself and she's very calm unless provoked

No matter what she'll always be my princess

"Dad u ok"?

She asked as I just smiled

"Yes lex I'm fine" she just shook her head as I hugged her and when abouty day

The nightsider has had to have his balls handed to him a few times for touching my daughter

"Pull it out captain!"
I heard as the ship was using bucky cables to release the andromeda from the singularity.

I stood in awe as the huge ship was taken from the black hole and when I felt a hand slide around my waist I broke the nightsider s wrist.

"U need a man little one"

I scoffed and sat as preparations were made for entering the shit and once everyone was ready I put on my jacket that covered my blades because it's always funny when a 5 foot 1 Nietzschean kicked everyone's ass

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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