Chapter Fourteen

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"Pssst, over here."

Joy looked around and saw a hand waving at her from the doorway of the employee washroom in the corridor between the kitchen and the restaurant. "Eve!" she exclaimed when she stepped into the small unisex room.

"Not so loud please," said Eve as she closed and locked the door.

"Well, I was going to ask if you knew half the cops in the world are looking for you," replied Joy. "I guess that would have been a pretty dumb question now that I think about it. I mean, your face has been plastered all over television. I want to be supportive and all, but you aren't really some dangerous foreign agent or anything like that right?"

"No, I'm not, well not exactly anyway," said Eve.

"That's not the most reassuring thing you could have said," noted Joy.

"Well to be honest, no matter who or what I am, I would have to answer that question the same way," pointed out Eve. "Look, it's really quite complicated. I think someone is trying to kill the President and the other world leaders and I'm trying to stop them. I can't prove anything, I can only ask you to trust me."

Joy looked at the older woman for several long seconds and then nodded. "I'll trust my instincts and Paul's that you are good people. What do you need from me?" Eve told her and Joy blinked a couple of times with surprise then without a word exited the washroom and went back to the kitchen. A minute later, she returned and handed Eve a box of aluminum foil. "I have no idea how this can be useful for you other than to bake potatoes which I can't quite see saving the President"

'"I promise to explain it all one day if I live through it," Eve assured her friend.

"You're not sure you are going to live?" asked Joy with concern in her voice.

"I seem to be dying a lot lately," replied Eve as she thought of her dreams and visions. She saw the confused look on Joy's face and clasped the younger woman on the shoulder. "Don't mind me and thanks for trusting me."

Eve turned to leave the washroom, but Joy put up a hand to stop her. "I almost forgot to pass on something from Paul," and she told Eve about the people Paul had seen at the cave and snatches of conversation he had overheard.

"I think it is all coming to a head in a few hours at the banquet," said Eve as she took in the information. "Stay away from it and even get off the island if you can."

"Not much chance of that," sighed Joy. "They need all the staff they can get for the banquet and they are even desperate enough to pay overtime. Happy Hour doesn't pay for itself you know."

"I thought you were saving up for school," pointed out Eve.

"That too," grinned Joy and then Eve was gone.


Paul and Monica exchanged uneasy looks as they got ready to go to the banquet at the resort. "Are you sure you want to go?" Paul asked his Grandfather for the fifth time.

With his dementia, the answer to a question could vary from minute to minute, but so far Grandfather maintained the same answer. "Yes, it is important that I go."

"It could be dangerous," warned Monica.

"I am old, what does danger matter to me," Grandfather replied.

Paul didn't think pointing out that he and Monica were not so old and blasé about the risk of danger, but didn't think it would make any difference to the old man. "But why is it important?" he asked instead.

"I had a vision in which I saw myself at this supper with all those who think they are important people," answered Grandfather. "The blonde devil spawn woman was there too, so I must be there. It must happen as I have seen it." Paul started to press his Grandfather for more details of the vision, but the old man spoke up again before he could open his mouth. "Do you think they will have those chicken McNuggets there?"

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