The strangers.

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Haelyn Lauren

Have I ever mentioned that hunting alone can get pretty boring?

I drove through an empty street in New Orleans Louisiana.  I've been hunting this demon for the past couple of days. Her type always being the same. Young men in their late 20s early 30s, all having brown curly hair and blue eyes.

It was strange for a demon to have a type. Normally they would just cause chaos and flea to another town before a hunter could find them.

I stopped by a bar, needing a few drinks.

I walk in all alone, noticing how every male had their gaze on me. I don't have any interest in these men, so I'm hoping they just stay away. My holy water was strung in the inside pocket of my jacket while my knife was tucked nicely in sleeve.

I've already rehearsed the seance over and over in case I needed to get rid of a demon, I also had a protection spell tattooed to my chest making sure that I couldn't be possessed by anything.

I sat down at the bar and immediately could feel how heavy it was in here.. this wasn't right at all. My eyes darted to a corner where two males and a woman were staring directly at me, the woman smirking at me.

I ordered myself a whiskey, trying my best to pretend I wasn't surrounded by demons right now. This was always my luck.

Someone had walked up behind me, placing a harsh hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see someone or something I didn't recognize.

I've tried to keep these little feelings away since I was young but I could always tell when something was wrong or if I was in immense danger. Right now it was both.

I chugged my whiskey before paying my two and heading to leave. A woman grabbed me, throwing me against the bar. The stool that was sitting there snapped into multiple pieces causing me to fall to the floor with it.

I reached into my pocket, taking the lid off the large flask and throwing the holy water at the girl in front of me. She began to hiss and thrash as it slowly began to burn her skin.

That caused the other demons to turn my way, I was surrounded. I knew I was trapped. God damnit, all I wanted was a fucking drink.

"Why are you following me." The demon in front of me hissed. Grabbing me by the shirt and slamming me into the ground again.

"Following you?! I don't even know who you are. I just came here for a drink." I growled, throwing a punch at her, making her stumble back a little before she got right back to beating my ass.

She hit me hard enough that the world around me turned black....

Dean Winchester

Me and Sam had been following a case down in New Orleans about a demon hunting on men.

Nothin' but a good time by poison was blasting throughout my impala as we sped throughout town looking for any sign of our mystery demon.

We had been tailing this motorcycle that seemed suspicious. We followed the motorcycle to a bar, watching as a lady got off and went inside.

Sam had one of his visions and it didn't look too good for the girl we were tailing.

We went inside about five minutes after her, sitting down at one of the booths.
The girl anxiously looked around, specifically at two men and a woman standing in one of the corners, they were watching her.

Me and Sam had a small conversation, not about us knowing what's going on but just about what towns like so none of the demons in here get suspicious.

After a bit the girl paid her tab and went to leave but was stopped from the lady in the corner. She had thrown the girl against the bar. Apparently this girl was a hunter because she threw holy water and the demon immediately began to burn.

I looked around only noticing that there were 3 other demons besides her in here, the rest were average townspeople who seemed to pick the wrong day to come to the bar.

I watched the demon drag off our mystery girl into the back. Me and Sam got up quickly both taking on two of the demons, the third went with the other one. We quickly whipped out the two and headed down for the others.

"Dean are you sure this is the best thing to do? This could be a trap" Sam muttered.

"It'll be fine. She's gonna need our help." I smirked at him before being attacked by the bartender.

He is really one ugly fellow. I quickly whipped him out before going and helping Sam with our mystery demon. But before I could even get a hand on her I was thrown against a wall, frozen there.

"You know, you are one ugly bitch." I growled out to her, she snapped her head back at me before going back to Sam.

The hunter girl stirred awake. Looking at all of the chaos in front of her. She specifically was looking at me. Dean do not say that. This is not the right time for these jokes.

The girl quickly got out of her binds, reaching into her sleeve before driving a knife into the back of the demon. The demons spirit quickly fled the body, leaving black smoke as it all fled to the ceiling. The now human body began to twitch. I ran over to her, putting pressure against her wound.

"Hey you!" I screamed over to the hunter girl.

"Me?" She looked at me with a hell of a confused look on her face.

"Yes you. Call the cops, she's gonna need an ambulance." I roll my eyes at the stupidity, but I can admit this hunter girl is hot as hell.

I don't have to like someone to think that they are hot as hell.... Especially sense she is also a hunter, that makes it even better.

Haelyn Lauren

I watched as these two strange men rushed to try and help the girl on the floor. I had already called the cops and they were on the way.

I decided it was best if I fled before the cops got here, I've never had a good history with pigs.

I got on my motorcycle and headed out fast. But something was lingering with me, the urge to go back to the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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