Chapter 1

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*Leigh-Anne’s POV

I woke up with a start to find Liam jumping on my bed“Go away let me sleep” I mumbled rolling over and closing my eyes , I could feel him rolling me back over , and before I knew it , my face was stinging and my bed was soaked “You knob ,that was freezing” I screamed as I opened my eyes to see Amelia with a bucket in her hand laughing her head off , I got up ran into her room and used her duvet to dry my face , before heading off to the shower.  I let the warm water run down my body as I thought of ways to get Amelia back. I stepped out of the shower and ran into my room and shoved on my outfit.

It was the first day at our new school , and I wanted to make a good impression , I put my hair up and grabbed my backpack shouting as I walked down the stairs “Come on you 2 Brianna and Niall will be here any minute , we don’t want to be late.” A knock at the door came and I skipped over to open it , before I had a chance to speak I was embraced into a huge hug “Wassup little hoe” Niall exclaimed holding me tight , “Not much just need to get payback on Amelia” I replied menacingly “Ooh tell me more” He said letting go , and before I had a chance to move Brianna threw herself around me “I’ve missed you Le-le-poo” she said faking tears “Bri man calm down it’s only been a week” I said wriggling free from her grasp. “Are we all ready” Liam calls from the door, I didn’t notice him get there “Yeah” I cheer enthusiastically and I run to the door and leap out cheering “ King George High , won’t know what’s hit them”. Niall and I lead the way and begin plotting payback on Amelia “We could put maggots in her pencil case?” Niall suggests “My dad has some for fishing bait. “Then that’s what we’ll do” I whisper , I stop and turn round to face the others “Niall forgot his pencil case so we’re gonna run back and get it , if we’re late just tell them please” I flutter my eyelids before turning on my heels and hurtling down the street towards Niall’s house where he persuades his dad to lend him some of the bait for “Biology”

We run back to school just in time to join our form line waiting to go in for assembly, Our tutor , Miss Edwards comes up to us “Ahh , just in time , nice to see you’re so organised on the first day Mr Horan , but next time I advise you don’t drag Miss Payne along with you” she says smiling , Niall’s going red as a tomato which makes me chuckle a little , we make our way into the , auditorium where everyone is introduced to their form teams and head of year. Liam , Niall and I are all is 12 PE while Amelia and Brianna are is 12 PH , after our head of year Mr Cowell has finished explaining what will be expected of us over the next 2 years to achieve our potential , we head out of the hall to our form rooms where we will be given our timetables and diaries. I sink into a seat in the middle at the back with Niall on my left and Liam on my right. “Now” Miss Edwards begins from the front of the class “My name as you will know if you were paying attention is , Miss Edwards , and we will be spending the first 2 hours of today getting to know each other before you go off for your lessons , so I want everybody to say their name , birthday , and one thing about themselves”. “What are we 5” I whisper to Niall. “Lets start with you shall we as you’re so eager to speak Miss Payne” she says glaring at me. I stand up slowly “My name is Leigh-Anne Payne , my birthday is the 29th August and I used to live in Wolverhampton” I mumble sitting back down “Come on I’m sure you’ve got a more interesting fact than that” Miss said Beaming at me “What about your GCSE results” she hinted “I got 6 A’s and 5 A*’s” I say chewing on my bracelet. I barely spoke for the rest of the session I just sat doodling hearts on my free periods, stars on my schedule for any performance lessons, and little lightning bolts for any theory, by the end of the 2 hours I had a pretty awesome schedule, Most of my teachers were the same for all my lessons but I had 2 food tech teachers , so at least I had a break from Miss Edwards .

As we get up to leave Miss Edwards looks me up and down “Now Leigh-Anne , I must remind you that make-up , jewellery and Nail vanish are not allowed , and shorts if worn must be of a respectable length” I couldn’t believe what I just heard, Liam grabbed my shoulder and whispered “Leave it Le-le it’s not worth it” I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists and began to walk out of the class “Please wait to be dismissed” Miss Edwards called as she noticed this . “Oh get off my  case already” I shouted storming out , Niall ran after me “Leigh-Leigh , Leigh-Anne , Slow down , wait , Leigh-Leigh LOOK OUT” I bumped into somebody and fell to the floor hitting my head I looked up to see the most gorgeous boy in the entire world holding his hand out to help me up, his eyes were the most dazzling shade of blue and his hair was beautifully styled he was perfect.  “Sorry love I didn’t see you there” he said as I took his hand , “It’s fine I should have been looking where I was going” I said twisting my boot into the ground hoping it would drill a hole so the ground could swallow me up, “are you new here?” he asked smiling, His smile was perfect , like nothing I’d ever seen before. “Yeah I went to a different secondary school before” I say looking down at the ground “Ahh It’s my first day here to , I’ve got drama now” he says making my head shoot up a little , “No way , me to” I said and we both giggled a little “I’m Leigh-Anne” I say smiling “I guessed from your buddy over there calling out for you” he chuckled and I turned round to see a flushed cheeked Niall approaching. “Oh yeah, that’s Niall” I say beckoning him over. “I’m Louis , Louis Tomlinson” he said , I was lost in his voice , it was like a dream.

Drama Teacher ~ A Louis Tomlinson Love Story (Not Famous)Where stories live. Discover now