Chapter 2

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*Niall’s POV

I tried to warn her but she just didn’t think ,anyway, long story short ,she fell, sometimes Leigh-Anne can be such a klutz. I skidded up beside her my trainers squeaking along the wooden floor causing her to plug her ears and wail. “Le, Miss Edwards isn’t happy at the moment and unless you get a good report from all your teachers today you’re gonna end up in detention and on report from Mr Cowell” I pant as my eyes wander over to the slightly taller guy stood next to us. I wave , “Hi I’m Niall , thanks for helping her up” , “It’s no problem, I bumped the little lady, so I gotta put it right” I can tell she’s trying to compress her nervous giggles, “Oh and I’m Louis by the way Louis , the Tommo , Tomlinson” he holds his hand out and signals for me to shake it. “So what are you guys doing out here so early, form doesn’t finish for 10 minutes” Louis asks tilting his head a little. “Well there was a little run-in with Miss Edwards” “She’s such a bitch , and completely out of order” Leigh-Anne cuts in. He gives me a look insisting I finish, “Well basically , I forgot something so she came back with me to get it , and then we were a tiny bit late to the assembly but we still made it into the line in time” , “And mega bitchwhore comes over, and starts giving us a lecture” Leigh-Anne jumps in again. The thing is with Leigh-Anne , if she doesn’t think something’s right she becomes VERY opinionated. “Anyways we did our introductions , and” “and miss picked on me saying my fact wasn’t good enough” she blurts , I could see her jaw tightening “So instead Miss Edwards,advised”, “Basically forced” , “Le-Le, this is going to take a lot longer if you keep interrupting”she shoots me a half sorry look “Miss Edwards advised she tell our form about her GCSE results , something she wished to keep secret, she didn’t do it to anyone else , including her brother who used the same original fact as her” “I see” Louis says trying to process what’s just been said “anyway Miss stood us up to dismiss us like 10 minutes early , and she was checking our outfits before she would let us go” “Yeah but mainly mine” “Leigh-Anne , what did I say” I pat her shoulder playfully and she gives me puppy dog eyes. “She then made a comment about Leigh-Anne’s outfit in front of the whole class, it was about her nail vanish and bracelet at first which was fair enough, but then she went on to make a comment about her shorts” “She basicly implied I was dressed like a slut” she growls her jaw practically locked tight.

*Louis POV

The time for class to begin was getting closer , a couple more people were sauntering up the hall, I get this all  the time , people thinking I’m a student and not a teacher, I know I started young ,it’s really annoying cause most of the other teachers are older , and I get on much better with the students, but apparently we’re not even allowed to have friends in the pupils , but I knew right away even after only 10 minutes , these 2 were like my best friends , Leigh-Anne was exceptionally beautiful funny , and strong minded, everything I love in a girl. I tapped my foot nervously as our light conversation continued, we were talking about maggots ,and a girl called Amelia, and a bucket of cold water , I knew I’d have to speak to them at the end about it, I noticed another male come plodding down the corridor towards us. He was speaking to Leigh-Anne about getting into trouble , he turned to face me so I shot him a smile and gave him a wave “Hey my name’s Louis” “I’m Liam he said , and before I knew It he and Niall had both embraced me in a hug. What am I going to do, I can’t just be like yo guys I’m a teacher. I laughed nervously to myself as I looked at the bell , and soon enough I was snapped away from my thoughts by it’s ringing and the announcement to go in and wait for your teacher. “Go ahead guys I’m just gonna run back to my locker” I insist “Oh yeah you missed Lockers you 2 but I’ve got your keys” Liam says sounding quite disappointed, I reach into my bag chug my water fix my suspenders and hair before bursting into the classroom. “Hi guys I’m your teacher Mr Tomlinson”.

*Leigh-Anne’s POV

I strode in , receiving a few whistles on the way down, I could see Liam becoming aggravated “Leave it Le-le-bear“ I whisper ,as we made our way to the trio of seats on the very back row , I plonked into my seat gently dropping my backpack beside me, Niall and Liam on either side were trying to get comfortable , it‘s kind of weird not having any of the girls here , especially as we didn‘t come up from this secondary school so I don‘t know anyone “Hi guys I’m your teacher Mr Tomlinson” Louis called bounding around the classroom. TEACHER? I couldn’t believe it he seemed just like one of us, I caught his eyes and my face warmed up , as he shot me a cheeky wink. “Now, as you know we have an hour today, so we will start with all our introductions, name age , birthday, and 3 facts” his eyes fell on mine again , “why don’t we start with you” he said his eyes and smile brighter than any other I’ve ever seen. I stood up carefully “My name’s Leigh-Anne but people call me Leigh or Le-Le, I’m 16 my birthday is 29th August , and umm…” I pause biting my lip as his eyes stay locked onto mine the whole time “Come on I’m sure there’s plenty interesting about you, and the rest of you start thinking of your facts now” he says his beautiful blue eyes glistening like diamonds in the sun. “I used to live in Wolverhampton, I have a twin brother Liam , and I love performing” I say sinking back into my seat a little overwhelmed by how PERFECT my teacher was. He continues to move around the class until everybody’s come up with facts that make me look, like a loser. Except for Liam he basically copied my facts , but made them sound way better.

 “Right then you horrible lot , we’ve got 20 minutes more than I thought because you guys were on fire, so lets have a battle of the class , Now because we’ve got twins , they will be our captains, you must take it in turns to select students , Liam will pick first” he explained excitedly , after the teams had been made it appeared I had one less than them , “I pick Mr Tomlinson then to make it even” I say triumphantly, knowing we’re probably going to win , there was another teacher in the room I hadn’t even noticed , her name was Miss Calder, she was the independent judge for the competition  , she was looking at Lou, I mean Mr Tomlinson with puppy dog eyes and drooling a little, great ,first , I find my teacher irresistible, then there’s another teacher drooling all over him, bang go my hopes and dreams of having a normal school year. First up it was Me & Mr T , vs. Liam and a girl called Mollie, Niall’s eyes opened wide when he saw her “You like her don’t you” I nudged him laughing , he tried to act all cool “As if hoe , I barely know her , she looks a bit of a slag anyway“ “Bullshit mate , it’s obvious” Just then Mr Tomlinson turns round “You 2 I will need to have a discussion with you about appropriate language decisions after lesson” he says pretending to be angry but for some reason he’s smiling at us. He grabs hold of my arm as we take centre stage “Eleanor the scenario for our argument scene please” he asks before covering his mouth “Miss Calder, sorry” she picks out a card , and reads it aloud “You are arguing because one of you wanted to get married and the other just broke up”. she says , I bite my lip and look to the ground , before sucking in the air and beginning out performance , the whole audience whooped and cheered as Mr Tomlinson , pleaded for me to stay , declaring his love. It felt so real , I began to feel quite flustered and I squeaked to Louis “Sir I feel faint I need to stop” he darted over to the windows opening them all and telling everyone to give me space , gently guiding my head between my knees and patting my back “deep breaths everything will be okay”.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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